Having the opportunity to speak with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Health Minister Nicola Roxon was something I am glad to have been able to do. It is not every day that the Prime Minister comes out to Regional and Rural NSW, in fact it is very rare. The community was able to ask questions relevant to Federal Government and tap into areas of great concern such as health, education, transport, environment and water.
Although this was a great opportunity, it was also frustrating. When viewing and partaking in question time it proved difficult for the Prime Minister at times to answer the relevant questions. Instead time was wasted in finding fault and playing the blame game on others. Questions were asked and answers were needed.
I travelled with other people from Orange because the visit by the Prime Minister did not extend past Bathurst, again this is an unfortunate decision I believe made by the Labor party. It shows those people outside of Bathurst that they are either irrelevant, insignificant or of no value when seeking votes for further elections. Aside from that I would like to think that a positive or several positive outcomes could come from this event.
If the Prime Minister is true to his word along with the Ministers then we (country NSW) can expect some significant changes. One in particular that comes to mind would be the assistance for community service projects which I mentioned. I plan to keep you all updated on this matter and would like to think we could expect a positive outcome.
Looking forward to further contact with the cabinet and discussions and funding to help rural and remote communities.