Councillor Role
In 2008 Fiona ran for re-election on her own ticket- Team H. She was successful in being re-elected and only 100 votes short of her second candidate Gerald Power being elected also. If she had of been successful with the second candidate Orange Council would have had its first Aboriginal Councillor.
Items of particular interest to Fiona at this time would be the water issue in Orange. She has been active in working towards a way for future water sustainability. Evidence of the work done to date can be viewed on the Council web site- Water Project
Fiona also enjoys the role she plays in the numerous areas relating to the major portfolio in which she holds- Community Services. Given her background as a Registered Nurse, previous Councillor, Justice of the Peace, involvement in local community projects and various fundraising activities Fiona believes she is well suited to this role. In particular she is approachable, empathic, professional, understanding and seeks out the various needs of her community. Projects Fiona has been involved in through Council are:
* Water strategy for the future 2050
* Storm Water Harvesting scheme
* Planning and development of the New PCYC centre in Orange
* Spring Street Bridge
* Children's Memorial Garden
* Expansion of the Skate park
* Advocate for Icely and Ophir road users linking to Northern Distributor
* Youth Conference Orange
* Australian Rural Leadership Course- Vision Task needs assessment for families.
* Crime Prevention CCTV cameras
* Christmas Festival
* Chamber of Commerce representative for Council
* Disability services
* Mount Canobolas as a Tourist area
* Dragon Boats Orange
In 2004 Fiona was first elected as a Councillor with Orange City Council. After a busy time with election and campaigning against 77 other possible candidates. Fiona became the third female Councillor at Orange. Fiona is an extremely active Council member and some of the projects that she has driven or been involved in are:
- Designing and building two BMX Tracks in Orange after establishing a partnership with organisations to provide funding in support (competitive and recreational)
- Lobbying and building a recreational play area for children at Glenroi
- Working with the community and other Councillors to have an Aboriginal Flag flown at the Council Chambers
- Working with a committee and Youth to establish "Not just another Café" (NJAC)
- Set up a Pilot Project with Police, Public School and Council to provide bikes and helmets so that bike riding could become part of the sport curriculum at no cost to students.
- Lobbied for changes in phone directory, reduced speed on distributor road, better meeting times, shared space, and much more.
- Been an active member in the Community Plan 2020 for Orange
- Amongst many other things... Visit this site monthly to stay updated on what Fiona has been involved in with Council.
Fiona's objectives on council
Council Objectives (PDF File)
Orange Councillor and Candidate 2008 Election
Please find in this document the completed profile with full policy information and many other extras added in.
You Tube- Orange Electorate Fiona Rossiter Team H
Visit this new website Australian Family Matters
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tough Times, Smart Solutions
The Local Government Association of NSW Annual Conference 2009 was held in Tamworth from the 24th to 28th of October 2009. The Local Government Association is an association of councils representing metropolitan and large regional councils, resolved to provide leadership and advocacy for the benefit of all communities. Over 600 delegates from member councils as well as representatives of County Councils meet to discuss and set policy for the coming year. Mayor John Davis and I attended to represent our district.
The theme was, appropriately, Tough Times, Smart Solutions. The conference focused on finding ways for councils to continue to deliver quality services and infrastructure to their communities despite the severe curtailment of our finances and the increasing demands of modern society.
Australia’s population is constantly growing and the development and provision of our services must also grow to meet future needs. The conference discussed many cross-council issues for this future.
· Housing and town planning included: developing sustainable housing corridors, housing linked to transport routes, mandatory green house gas emissions reductions, reducing water leakage and usage, recycling and rate-pegging.
· Health issues included: using local development laws to ban artificial trans-fats in fast food outlets (e.g. Gosford and Kogarah), and discouraging smoking in public areas - thirty percent of NSW councils have some sort of outdoor smoking policy.
· Recognition of the critical role of local government in tourism by identifying opportunities to attract new investment and planning for the needs of tourism destinations.
· Local Government Amendment (Planning and Reporting) Bill 2009 has been passed by Parliament and now new tendering guidelines have been provided to assist councils in the procurement of goods and services.
· The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework provides a legislative base for councils to develop mechanisms that facilitate direct citizen participation in the strategic planning process.
· Encouraging many Regional Organisations of Councils to develop resource-sharing initiatives that align with the planning and reporting reforms.
Lots to be thinking about and actively including in our work for a better community.
Posted by
1:27 PM
Labels: Community, Council, Future, Planning, Sustainability
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Children's Week Celebrations
On Wednesday 28th October Glenroi Community Centre celebrated Children's Week with a fun day of disco, play-dough modelling, mural painting, bubble blowing, face painting and jumping castles!
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2:45 PM
Friday, October 23, 2009
Australian National Field Days 2009
Held over three days from Tuesday 20th to Thursday the 22nd, this year’s Australian National Fields Days event was another success for our community. The feature exhibit was “Changing Agriculture in a Changing Environment”. This is a fabulous event for our community, bringing in new ideas and expertise. Orange itself was particularly busy over the full week supplying the accommodation and needs of exhibitors and visitors alike.
The feature exhibit concentrated how to better prepare and adapt to meet the challenges of modern agricultural and environmental concerns. Exhibitors gave information on a range of issues including: biodiversity, soils, water management, cultural heritage awareness and native vegetation. I particularly enjoyed our council’s stall focusing on low water use plants.
There was even a demonstration soil pit was outside the pavilion manned by Catchment Management Authority (CMA) where all landholders were encouraged to bring along their soil samples or soil test results for analysis and discussion. Water quality testing was also available for testing samples and advisers discussed improvement methods there too.
Probably the most topical event of this year was watching a solar-powered Mitsubishi Triton Ute used to sow crops! It was developed by an innovative, Bathurst farmer Michael Inwood, the electric-powered vehicle, charged from solar panels, can pull a disc seeder! This is another great example of farmers looking at finding their own solutions and exploring ways to improve their land management and energy saving practices.
Posted by
1:39 PM
Labels: Agriculture, Community, Education, Future, Innovation
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Oregon Rotary Exchange
It looks like I’ve found my “twin” in Oregon!
This week Orange hosted a number of Rotarians from Oregon as part of a Rotary Friendship Exchange program. They are touring across NSW and spending three days in many different regions.
The Rotary Friendship Exchange program gives Rotarians and their families the chance to host and then visit other Rotarians from around the world. The idea is to build international understanding and goodwill among communities. As well as experiencing other cultures and making lasting friendships, an exchange may provide opportunities for vocational experiences and developing service projects.
I was able to spend some time with the group before they left and aside from discovering a virtual “twin” in the person of Carol Winston, I was also impressed by the possibilities offered by programs like this. We often see opportunities for Youth Exchange to encourage personal growth and connectedness for young people; however, it is rarer for these opportunities to be offered to “mature” candidates, it is good to see they do exist!
Posted by
1:54 PM
Labels: Exchange, Friendship, International, Men, Rotary, Women, Youth
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Prostate Cancer Awareness at Wellness House
People affected by prostate cancer are often bewildered by conflicting information about the disease and find it difficult to get clear and accurate answers to their questions. Orange Prostate Cancer Support Group aims t0 offer valuable background information, patient support materials, and contacts for advice on living with prostate cancer. You need never be alone in this journey.
Please contact Barry Spilstead on 0427 624 067 for more information or to donate to this worthwhile cause.
The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia
Monday, October 12, 2009
Prostate Cancer Awareness-Wellness House

To learn more about Prostate Cancer visit the web-site www.prostate.org.au
Posted by
1:28 PM
Saturday, October 3, 2009
November's Freshly Plucked Festival
The Freshly Plucked Festival is locked in for November but organisers are still seeking sponsorship to help this worthwhile event. Magic Dirt will headline the festival with The Fumes, Regular John, The Jezabels, Claude Hay and Dreadnaught also performing.
The aim of the festival is to remind us all that there are many great ways to have fun without drinking or taking drugs.
Lyndon Community executive officer Craig Mills reports that the Lyndon Community will happily provide $2500 in funding sponsorship for the festival as an alcohol and drug free event.
The Lyndon Community is a dedicated non-government organisation providing alcohol and other drug treatment in residential and non residential programs. It provides accessible, high quality drug and alcohol services to reduce the harm and improve health and well being of individuals, families and the community.
This is a wonderful opportunity for young people to not only enjoy themselves but to also develop a variety skills and real world experiences. Theory is all well and good, but for personal growth they all need to get involved, they need to experience all the worthwhile opportunities our community can offer them. Sponsorship is the biggest hurdle. This youth outreach deserves more funding and any business interested in providing sponsorship can contact the Freshly Plucked Festival project officer Tara Selwood on 0407 208 467.