Councillor Role

In 2008 Fiona ran for re-election on her own ticket- Team H. She was successful in being re-elected and only 100 votes short of her second candidate Gerald Power being elected also. If she had of been successful with the second candidate Orange Council would have had its first Aboriginal Councillor.

Items of particular interest to Fiona at this time would be the water issue in Orange. She has been active in working towards a way for future water sustainability. Evidence of the work done to date can be viewed on the Council web site- Water Project

Fiona also enjoys the role she plays in the numerous areas relating to the major portfolio in which she holds- Community Services. Given her background as a Registered Nurse, previous Councillor, Justice of the Peace, involvement in local community projects and various fundraising activities Fiona believes she is well suited to this role. In particular she is approachable, empathic, professional, understanding and seeks out the various needs of her community. Projects Fiona has been involved in through Council are:

* Water strategy for the future 2050
* Storm Water Harvesting scheme
* Planning and development of the New PCYC centre in Orange
* Spring Street Bridge
* Children's Memorial Garden
* Expansion of the Skate park
* Advocate for Icely and Ophir road users linking to Northern Distributor
* Youth Conference Orange
* Australian Rural Leadership Course- Vision Task needs assessment for families.
* Crime Prevention CCTV cameras
* Christmas Festival
* Chamber of Commerce representative for Council
* Disability services
* Mount Canobolas as a Tourist area
* Dragon Boats Orange

In 2004 Fiona was first elected as a Councillor with Orange City Council. After a busy time with election and campaigning against 77 other possible candidates. Fiona became the third female Councillor at Orange. Fiona is an extremely active Council member and some of the projects that she has driven or been involved in are:

  • Designing and building two BMX Tracks in Orange after establishing a partnership with organisations to provide funding in support (competitive and recreational)
  • Lobbying and building a recreational play area for children at Glenroi
  • Working with the community and other Councillors to have an Aboriginal Flag flown at the Council Chambers
  • Working with a committee and Youth to establish "Not just another Café" (NJAC)
  • Set up a Pilot Project with Police, Public School and Council to provide bikes and helmets so that bike riding could become part of the sport curriculum at no cost to students.
  • Lobbied for changes in phone directory, reduced speed on distributor road, better meeting times, shared space, and much more.
  • Been an active member in the Community Plan 2020 for Orange
  • Amongst many other things... Visit this site monthly to stay updated on what Fiona has been involved in with Council.

Fiona's objectives on council

Council Objectives (PDF File)

Orange Councillor and Candidate 2008 Election
Please find in this document the completed profile with full policy information and many other extras added in.

You Tube- Orange Electorate Fiona Rossiter Team H

Visit this new website Australian Family Matters

Friday, November 27, 2009

Orange Regional Arts Foundation (ORAF) Gives Grand Piano to the City

The Orange Regional Arts Foundation recently gave a Yamaha grand piano, valued at $59 000, to the city of Orange. The piano will be housed at the Orange Regional Conservatorium (ORC). This will really assist those senior students and performers at the conservatorium.

An unveiling was held on Thursday the 26th November when Graham Sattler, the Director of Orange Regional Conservatorium played for us all. It was great to see him engaging the community with his varied repertoire.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Graduation from the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation

What an amazing experience of not only self discovery but also world and state discovery. As you may know I have been on an 18 month course of leadership with the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (APLF). I was sponsored by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government. One of the days spent in Canberra involved a trip to Outward Bound our adventure can be view at the ARLF site.
As a part of our course we were required to develop a vision statement, ours is "Communities empowered to create their own vibrant future" and my task specifically is to gain a greater understanding of support for all families. I intend to conduct a survey with the support of Orange City Council to establish the needs of Orange residents. More details on this can be viewed at the Australian Rural Leadership site.
A Symposium was held on Friday 20th November which included guest speakers Professor Peter Shergold, Peter Cosier, Leo D'Angelo Fisher, Darriea Turley and Chris Sarra. Mixed in with our guest speakers were presentations from several course participants on their vision tasks. For more details on these they can be viewed at the ARLP site. Leo D'Angelo makes reference to the days activities and I would recommend you read his article at BRW a leading Business magazine.
I welcome any speaking opportunities to speak further about our vision statement, my vision task or my involvement in the Australian Rural Leadership Program. Contact me at

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Opening of Yarrawong Children’s Centre

On Monday the 9th November the new extension for the Yarrawong Children’s Centre was opened. Yarrawong Children's Centre is a community-based, not-for-profit, long day care centre that has been offering high quality accredited care since December 1993. The centre caters for children aged between 0 and 5 years. This is a positive, family resource that encourages children to learn and develop through play; where staff encourage exploration in groups and support individuals to learn at their own pace within a safe environment.

The new, council funded, extension allows for a greater separation between age groups and gives the centre 10 extra places to offer the community.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Prime Minister Kevin Rudds visit to Bathurst

Having the opportunity to speak with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Health Minister Nicola Roxon was something I am glad to have been able to do. It is not every day that the Prime Minister comes out to Regional and Rural NSW, in fact it is very rare. The community was able to ask questions relevant to Federal Government and tap into areas of great concern such as health, education, transport, environment and water.

Although this was a great opportunity, it was also frustrating. When viewing and partaking in question time it proved difficult for the Prime Minister at times to answer the relevant questions. Instead time was wasted in finding fault and playing the blame game on others. Questions were asked and answers were needed.

I travelled with other people from Orange because the visit by the Prime Minister did not extend past Bathurst, again this is an unfortunate decision I believe made by the Labor party. It shows those people outside of Bathurst that they are either irrelevant, insignificant or of no value when seeking votes for further elections. Aside from that I would like to think that a positive or several positive outcomes could come from this event.

If the Prime Minister is true to his word along with the Ministers then we (country NSW) can expect some significant changes. One in particular that comes to mind would be the assistance for community service projects which I mentioned. I plan to keep you all updated on this matter and would like to think we could expect a positive outcome.

Looking forward to further contact with the cabinet and discussions and funding to help rural and remote communities.

View the story from the Central Western Daily and there is more... to read

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Presentation of Rural Fire Service Awards and Handover of Tankers.

Yesterday, the NSW Rural Fire Service acknowledged the contributions of long time volunteers to local brigades in the Canobolas Zone. The Rural Fire Service is made up of volunteers from all walks of life - men and women who give up their time to protect our community. Although unable to attend, I sincerely wish to congratulate these people for their ongoing efforts.

The RFS is the lead agency in NSW for bush fire fighting. It is also responsible for fires and related emergency incidents within Rural Fire Districts: districts that cover more than 95% of the State! Add to this, the RFS’s role supporting other agencies in emergency situations such as floods, storms and rescue situations and it is easy to see the vital contribution that these people make to our community.

The brigades in the area had additional cause to celebrate as the NSW Government handed over the long awaited tankers and bus to their Blayney, Cabonne, Cowra and Orange operations.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Orange Outstanding Business Awards 2009

Congratulations to the Orange Business Chamber for all their work contributing to the GGU Orange Outstanding Business Awards 2009. The Orange Business Chamber aims to bring Orange businesses closer together and to promote these business to develop a better economy for all businesses.

In a festive dinner dance at the Orange Ex-Services’ Club, awards were given in over a dozen categories. The theme this year was “driving energy efficiency and water conservation in our community.” This was a very well attended evening and everyone had a great time celebrating and dancing.

Winners include:
Retail Small – Skinsational Beauty Therapy
Retail Medium to large – Printflow
Professional Services – Orange Veterinary Hospital
Hard Trade – Jeff Hort Engineering
Soft Trade – Sheeradiance
Tourism, Food, Accommodation – Black Sheep Inn
Manufacturing – Almighty Industries
Agribusiness – Orange Veterinary Hospital
Innovation – Orange Courier Service
New and Emerging Business – Small Acres Cyder
Not For Profit – Orange Credit Union
Energy Efficiency – Mick Fabar Engineering
Water Conservation – Electrolux Home Products
People’s Choice Business – Mission Australia Community Services
People’s Choice Employee - Catherine Bayada

I attended as a representative of Orange City Council and very much enjoyed the entertaining and informative evening: a culmination of outstanding achievements.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Up Coming Events

Children's Week Celebrations-28th October
Rotary Friendship Exchange-16th October
Freshly Plucked Festival receives funds- 2nd October
Tim Sullivan Car Park-30th September
Glenroi Public Meeting- 24th September
St Petersburg Quartet- 23rd September
NAIDOC Week Celebrations-20th till 26th September
Rotary Enviro Expo- 18th till 20th September
Fusion's 20th Anniversary Orange-19th September
Blackmans Swamp Stormwater Harvesting Official opening-27th August
Rotary Club North Orange-Guest Speaker-13th August
Civic Welcome The Hon Penny Sharpe MLC-3rd August
Frost Fest opening-30th July
Art Health and Wellbeing Music Conservatorium-31st July
Nationals Warren Truss-30th July
Cpt Paul Moulds Oasis-27th July
After Five Action Coach-28th July
Certificate of Appreciation presentation-23rd July
PCYC- Sir Neville Howse Stadium- 13th July

Friday, October 30, 2009

Tough Times, Smart Solutions

The Local Government Association of NSW Annual Conference 2009 was held in Tamworth from the 24th to 28th of October 2009. The Local Government Association is an association of councils representing metropolitan and large regional councils, resolved to provide leadership and advocacy for the benefit of all communities. Over 600 delegates from member councils as well as representatives of County Councils meet to discuss and set policy for the coming year. Mayor John Davis and I attended to represent our district.

The theme was, appropriately, Tough Times, Smart Solutions. The conference focused on finding ways for councils to continue to deliver quality services and infrastructure to their communities despite the severe curtailment of our finances and the increasing demands of modern society.

Australia’s population is constantly growing and the development and provision of our services must also grow to meet future needs. The conference discussed many cross-council issues for this future.

· Housing and town planning included: developing sustainable housing corridors, housing linked to transport routes, mandatory green house gas emissions reductions, reducing water leakage and usage, recycling and rate-pegging.
· Health issues included: using local development laws to ban artificial trans-fats in fast food outlets (e.g. Gosford and Kogarah), and discouraging smoking in public areas - thirty percent of NSW councils have some sort of outdoor smoking policy.
· Recognition of the critical role of local government in tourism by identifying opportunities to attract new investment and planning for the needs of tourism destinations.
· Local Government Amendment (Planning and Reporting) Bill 2009 has been passed by Parliament and now new tendering guidelines have been provided to assist councils in the procurement of goods and services.
· The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework provides a legislative base for councils to develop mechanisms that facilitate direct citizen participation in the strategic planning process.
· Encouraging many Regional Organisations of Councils to develop resource-sharing initiatives that align with the planning and reporting reforms.
Lots to be thinking about and actively including in our work for a better community.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Children's Week Celebrations

On Wednesday 28th October Glenroi Community Centre celebrated Children's Week with a fun day of disco, play-dough modelling, mural painting, bubble blowing, face painting and jumping castles!

This nationwide, annual event provides an opportunity to emphasise a child's right to enjoy childhood and celebrates the talents, skills and achievements of children. Kids from Family Day Care, Occasional Care, Courallie Park Child Development Centre, Spring Street Children's Centre, Yarrawong Children's Centre, Bush Babies Playgroup and the Multicultural Mothers Group all attended and had a great time. Each of these centres is supported by council.

I found the enthusiasm of the kids, staff and parents to be very enjoyable and I was so proud knowing that our council provides such positive, family focused services. For more information about our council's commitment to the community have a quick look on the council website.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Australian National Field Days 2009

Held over three days from Tuesday 20th to Thursday the 22nd, this year’s Australian National Fields Days event was another success for our community. The feature exhibit was “Changing Agriculture in a Changing Environment”. This is a fabulous event for our community, bringing in new ideas and expertise. Orange itself was particularly busy over the full week supplying the accommodation and needs of exhibitors and visitors alike.

The feature exhibit concentrated how to better prepare and adapt to meet the challenges of modern agricultural and environmental concerns. Exhibitors gave information on a range of issues including: biodiversity, soils, water management, cultural heritage awareness and native vegetation. I particularly enjoyed our council’s stall focusing on low water use plants.

There was even a demonstration soil pit was outside the pavilion manned by Catchment Management Authority (CMA) where all landholders were encouraged to bring along their soil samples or soil test results for analysis and discussion. Water quality testing was also available for testing samples and advisers discussed improvement methods there too.

Probably the most topical event of this year was watching a solar-powered Mitsubishi Triton Ute used to sow crops! It was developed by an innovative, Bathurst farmer Michael Inwood, the electric-powered vehicle, charged from solar panels, can pull a disc seeder! This is another great example of farmers looking at finding their own solutions and exploring ways to improve their land management and energy saving practices.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Oregon Rotary Exchange

It looks like I’ve found my “twin” in Oregon!

This week Orange hosted a number of Rotarians from Oregon as part of a Rotary Friendship Exchange program. They are touring across NSW and spending three days in many different regions.

The Rotary Friendship Exchange program gives Rotarians and their families the chance to host and then visit other Rotarians from around the world. The idea is to build international understanding and goodwill among communities. As well as experiencing other cultures and making lasting friendships, an exchange may provide opportunities for vocational experiences and developing service projects.

I was able to spend some time with the group before they left and aside from discovering a virtual “twin” in the person of Carol Winston, I was also impressed by the possibilities offered by programs like this. We often see opportunities for Youth Exchange to encourage personal growth and connectedness for young people; however, it is rarer for these opportunities to be offered to “mature” candidates, it is good to see they do exist!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Prostate Cancer Awareness at Wellness House

On Monday 12/10/2009 Wellness House held a sound and light show to highlight prostate cancer awareness. Wellness House glowed with blue lights and enthusiasm. This is such a worthwhile cause aimed at assisting those whose lives have been touched by prostate cancer. All funds raised were given to the Orange Prostate Cancer Support Group to encourage their ongoing support for men in this region. A wonderful evening was had by all who attended with many thanks to Alan Brown (Centrestate Sound and Lighting) as well as Cecilia Rochelli and Andrew Ferguson for their time and skills to support this event.

People affected by prostate cancer are often bewildered by conflicting information about the disease and find it difficult to get clear and accurate answers to their questions. Orange Prostate Cancer Support Group aims t0 offer valuable background information, patient support materials, and contacts for advice on living with prostate cancer. You need never be alone in this journey.

Please contact Barry Spilstead on 0427 624 067 for more information or to donate to this worthwhile cause.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia

Monday, October 12, 2009

Prostate Cancer Awareness-Wellness House

The Orange Prostate Cancer support group and the Wellness Foundation presented a Prostate Cancer Awareness evening just recently in Orange. The Wellness House was lit up with blue lights and plenty of material was on display in the hope to raise awareness of Prostate Cancer within our community. Claudia did sm amazing job in helping to bring together the evenings events with other community representatives. Claudia is very active with the Wellness House Foundation.

The night was a great success with fabulous music from Cecilia Rochelli and Andrew Ferguson. The blue lighting was supplied by Alan Brown. Extensive resources were available to give people information about Prostate Cancer. There was mention about the extensive work that Orange City Council is currently doing to secure commonwealth funding to support the Regional Cancer Care centre of excellence.

To learn more about Prostate Cancer visit the web-site

Saturday, October 3, 2009

November's Freshly Plucked Festival

The Freshly Plucked Festival is locked in for November but organisers are still seeking sponsorship to help this worthwhile event. Magic Dirt will headline the festival with The Fumes, Regular John, The Jezabels, Claude Hay and Dreadnaught also performing.

The aim of the festival is to remind us all that there are many great ways to have fun without drinking or taking drugs.

Lyndon Community executive officer Craig Mills reports that the Lyndon Community will happily provide $2500 in funding sponsorship for the festival as an alcohol and drug free event.
The Lyndon Community is a dedicated non-government organisation providing alcohol and other drug treatment in residential and non residential programs. It provides accessible, high quality drug and alcohol services to reduce the harm and improve health and well being of individuals, families and the community.

This is a wonderful opportunity for young people to not only enjoy themselves but to also develop a variety skills and real world experiences. Theory is all well and good, but for personal growth they all need to get involved, they need to experience all the worthwhile opportunities our community can offer them. Sponsorship is the biggest hurdle. This youth outreach deserves more funding and any business interested in providing sponsorship can contact the Freshly Plucked Festival project officer Tara Selwood on 0407 208 467.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tim Sullivan Car Park

On Wednesday the 30th of September an unveiling ceremony was held for the Tim Sullivan car park which is at the near of the Orange Civic Centre.

The dedication reads:

"This facility was named in honour of Tim Sullivan (OAM) in recognition of his commitment to civic duties and to the Orange community. Mr. Sullivan was an Orange City Councillor from 1978 to 1991 and from 1995 to 1999. He was mayor of the City of Orange from 1983 to 1991. Mr. Sullivan was born on the 22 November 1944 and was educated at De la Salle Orange. He was a former board member of the Central Tablelands County Council, Advance Energy, Country Energy, Orange Agricultural College and the Bathurst Orange Development Corporation. He is a former president of the Orange City Rugby Union Club and the Orange CYMS Rugby League Club. He was awarded a Rotary Paul Harris Fellowship in 1990. In 2003, Mr. Sullivan was also awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for service to local government and the Orange community."

This is a fitting and much deserved acknowledgment for a popular, fair and equitable mayor; a respectful recognition of his work and achievements.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Civic Reception for St. Petersburg Quartet

On Wednesday 23rd September Orange City Council held a civic reception for the St. Petersburg Quartet. This is the third visit to Orange for this group. They found Orange to be a delight and they thanked the community for the opportunity to perform.

The St. Petersburg Quartet is one of the world's most esteemed chamber ensembles and they did not disappoint. All in all, this was a very enjoyable evening.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

NAIDOC Week 2009

This week is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and an opportunity to recognise the contributions of Indigenous Australians in various fields.

NAIDOC stands for the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. It is a movement that started with the recognition of Aboriginal groups in the 1920's and aims to increase awareness in the wider community of the status and treatment of Indigenous Australians.

Activities will take place across the region during NAIDOC Week (20th September - 26th September) and all Australians are encouraged to participate. The celebrations will culminate with a Family fun Day in the North Court near the council chambers (behind the Art Gallery and Library). There will be music, dance, jumping castles, food, local services, AMS, fire brigade, police, Bush Babies BBQ, bush tucker and games. There is something for everyone!

I am so proud that the Orange City Council as one of the major sponsors of this week of activities and that it strives to uphold its Statement of Commitment to the First People: to acknowledge and promote Aboriginal culture and heritage, to support Aboriginal people in the Orange community and to address issues specific to the local Aboriginal community.

Fusion’s 20th Anniversay in Orange

On Saturday the 19th September, Fusion held their 20th Anniversary and celebrated with a Variety Night Fundraiser! This was a very enjoyable evening with numerous performances, a silent auction, audio-visual presentations and supper.

Fusion is a youth and community organisation which emerged as a response to socially-at-risk young people in Australia. Today, Fusion has over 250 staff and thousands of volunteers in 45 teams and centres throughout the world.

Part of the work of Fusion includes seeking to build a sense of community and purpose for individuals. Fusion Centres are established in response to local need. In Australia Fusion supports: drop in centres and Youth Cafes, lunch time programs in schools, accommodation programs, craft and social activities for isolated women, parenting programs for young single mothers, mentoring and special programs for teenagers at risk, employment training schemes, outdoor education programs, and community festivals designed to build connection.

This is a worthwhile organisation that deserves greater recognition for the work they do.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Rotary Club of Orange North Presentation

The Rotary Club of Orange North is a group for men who involve themselves in many fundraising activities for our community. They form one of a group of Rotary Club affiliations operating in Orange. Among their achievements is their involvement in: the building of the hospital helipad, Rotary Park, the Careflight hanger foundations, park picnic shelters, an aged care emergency call system (Herald Award for this), fencing to assist lake Cargelligo farmers, tree planting, roadside clean-up and house painting (“Paint Your Heart Out”).

On the 13th of August, I was invited to speak to this group about my involvement as a participant in the Australian Rural Leadership Program (ARLF). This inspiring program is undertaken part-time for 16 months and aims to give focus and direction to those with an active commitment to their communities and is such an eye opener. It exists to create a network of leaders with compassion and commitment, with strategic thinking and negotiating skills, and with the insight to influence communities, industries, businesses and policy makers. There are now over 500 graduates of the Australian Rural Leadership Program who are committed to the strengthening of rural Australia through their industry, community, and family leadership roles.

The graduates' network is a growing national resource, yet the program could not operate without the sponsorships of many community groups and organisations. In my own case it was the sponsorship of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government that made it all possible. Many thanks for their faith in me.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rotary Expo 2009

Rotary Orange will host a timely “Smart Choices for Living” Exposition on the 18th, 19th and 20th September. The aim of this expo is to help us all live more sustainably by providing an opportunity for the community, industry and government to showcase practical ideas on what people can do to live in a more environmentally neutral manner.

This is a fabulous opportunity to view new ideas for energy efficient building, renewable energy, efficient water use and recycling. There is such a growing range of energy efficient household equipment, waste minimisation ideas and recycling opportunities that it is time for us all to be informed and involved.

There is even the opportunity for seminars to be run by local businesses to showcase and explain their great products. Let’s seize the day!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Who's Who of Australian Women Publication

It's official! I have been included in the 2009 edition of Who's Who of Australian Women- Lessons We Learn. I am proud to be a part of this book and to share with other women the life that I have lived. In particular my two stories - My fondest school age memory and Which teacher has had the greatest influence on me and why?

I share the answer to these two questions in the book Who's Who of Australian Women. There are many other women who are also a part of this publication and their stories are just as fascinating. It is a reflection on childhood experiences and how the knowledge we absorb as young minds guides us on life's path.

Yes I now have one of the books and enjoy sharing my stories with my children and future grandchildren.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sita Cooray Preview

It was all about art!
I had received an invitation to Sita Cooray's art exhibition held in Orange and just couldn't miss the chance to go along. Although I didn't stay for the official opening I enjoyed the time with my young daughter who I share art weekends with. We both enjoyed the journey through all of Sita's work on display.
We loved the colour and textures that Sita used in her work and the mixture of designs with people, buildings, animals and scenery.
The paintings are based on her travel and experiences through some of the most exotic places in the world. The focus of the exhibition we saw was on Sita's journey to Africa and central Europe.
Sita's artwork is unique. This was Sita's 10th solo exhibition in Orange. Her recent abstract works reflected her personality and her love of the diverse subjects she chooses to paint.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Youth Workers Conference

This conference was conducted at no cost to participant and targeted workers of service providers who deliver a service to young people. There was a particular focus on targeting Indigenous workers, as well as those who were either untrained or isolated physically and organisationally and seeking further training and support. The conference provided an unprecedented opportunity for professional development for the Youth Services sector in Central and Far Western NSW, and attracted 120 delegates.

Highlights of the one and a half day conference were:

Presentations from key note speakers Father Chris Riley from Youth of the Streets project and former magistrate Barbara Holborrow;

A workshop facilitated by Terry O'Connell on restorative justice;

An overview of Tirkandi Inaburra, an innovative service for Aboriginal young people based at Colleambally;

An overview of the Eagles RAPS project newly established in Orange;

A presentation on Council's successful Merge Holiday Activity Program; and

A thought-provoking hypothetical session using a complex scenario presented to a panel of very experienced youth service providers and facilitated by Mary Brell of Keys to Success.

Oasis DVD's were handed out to each organisation's

Learn more about the guest speakers by visiting their web-sites. This was an outstanding event and I thank the sponsor's NSW Department of Community Services and Newcrest Cadia Valley Operations

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Refurbishment Orange Regional Conservatorium

Orange Regional Conservatorium is the hub of the music industry not only in Orange but for Regional NSW. Graham Sattler leads the way and is one of the key driving forces behind the Conservatorium. He is sitting at the front of this picture when involved in a community event called Orange Star Search.
The Orange Regional Conservatorium now has improved acoustics, new seating for the audience and improved interior design and colour. As a part of the evening several performances were heard with renowned ensembles, a showcase really of what the Conservatorium has to offer in the way of talent.

The Orange Regional Conservatorium is a non-profit community based organisation located in Central NSW. It was born when the Orange Music Association (established in 1989) and Orange Symphony Orchestra merged in 2000 for the purpose of creating more efficient use of limited physical and artistic resources in regional NSW.

The Orange Regional Conservatorium's core business is its "Lifelong Learning" tuition program, which it offers to students of all ages and stages. In the areas of strings, woodwind, brass, percussion or keyboard, students receive a level of music education equivalent to their metropolitan counterparts.

Over 300 musicians perform in ensemble activity resulting in annual community concerts at which professional, student and amateur musicians enrich the cultural life of the region and gain valuable experience through exposure of their talents.

Visit Orange Regional Conservatorium website to learn more.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Presentations to Orange City Council Staff

The purpose of this function was to recognise staff for their service, and particularly recognise long serving members of staff. Councillors were invited to attend and be a part of the presentation evening.

This was a lovely casual evening where we were able to talk with the staff from Orange City Council directly. This is something that otherwise does not happen due to a council policy. On saying that though I do communicate when passing or attending similar events or meetings held with Council. The event was held at the scenic Botanical Gardens which provided a tranquil setting.

This was a very proud evening with Council staff ranging in service, receiving awards from 25 to 45 years. There were 33 presentations made for this outstanding service. To be committed and obviously enjoying the work environment you work in for that number of years is outstanding. We are privileged to have these people working for our Council.

Well done!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Premi-Babes Mothers Day Luncheon

Premi Babes Orange has been established since 1973. Congratulations on your efforts!
The Mothers Day Luncheon is an annual event for Premi-Babes and something I tend to support. On this particular day though I was attending on behalf of the Mayor. The purpose of the luncheon was to raise funds to purchase special neo-natal equipment to be used in the Maternity unit at Orange Base Hospital. This equipment so often means that premi-babes born in Orange can receive the treatment they need here and not have to be flown to the metropolitan area for treatment.

Some points worth noting:

Orange City Council has supported Premi-Babes Association over the past years.

Premi Babes received the Australia Day Community Group Award in 2008 which was put on display in the Maternity Unit of Orange Base.

Premi- Babes is closely linked to Nursing Mothers Association

The community is grateful for the marvellous fundraising activities by Prem Babes over the years (eg first humidicribs and specialist and vital equipment at Orange Hospital)

Council is looking forward to when the new Hospital is commissioned when it is hoped that Orange will have one of the best equipped paediatric wards in country NSW along with our Maternity Unit.

The community is very grateful to members of the Association and their many volunteers who give their support in so many ways- they are very special people.

My husband and I have been in need of the resources made available by the Premi Babes Association on several occasions for several of our new born babies. We were and always will be incredibly grateful that these resources are on hand and helped with the transition to life for our new born babies.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

OBrien Centre 10th Birthday Bash

Although I didn't get the chance to attend this function I believe it is well worth talking about the work that the O'Brien Centre does. This detail comes from their web-site

Background to service
Following its formation in 1993, the Mid Western Consumer Advisory Group Inc identified the need to provide a safe environment where people living with a mental illness would have the opportunity to develop friendships, gain social and work skills, advocate for mental health consumers, enhance partnerships with service providers and community members and overcome stigma.

Mission Statement
The Mid Western Consumer Advisory Group Inc seeks to become an equal, vital and central part of the Mental Health community by providing support for consumers and carers living with mental health issues.

The goals of the Mid Western Consumer Advisory Group Inc can be found at their website along with additional information. This is a valuable service to our community!
Visit O'Brien Centre Orange

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Meet the Pollies

This was an event my husband and I had to attend. Meeting influential people who can make change is a good start. The community had been invited to attend an evening were there were 12 Pollies from the Nationals. They had made Orange part of their Parliamentary Regional Tour.

Andrew Stoner Nationals Leader stated that with 18 MP's in the NSW Parliament, that the Nationals are a strong team standing up for traditional community values, modern infrastructure and services and a high quality of life for regional residents. The Nationals have already released some major policies outlining what they will do on coming into government in 2011.

To learn more visit

I always welcome these type of evenings which are informative and beneficial in understanding growth.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Community Offender Services Probation & Parole Service

As a part of the Community Partnership meetings we hold regular information breakfasts to learn about different industries. The breakfast this time was for the Community Offender Services Probation & Parole Service. It is always interesting to learn about services provided and this was no different.

We were told about new projects and programs of Department of Corrective Services along with the benefits of Community Service Order work programs to both agencies and the wider community. I hadn't realised there were opportunities for businesses to help in engaging these people when filling the work orders.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Autumn Art School

A great escape!

My youngest daughter and I went on an art adventure. This is the second one of these weekends we have attended and let me tell you they are fun, relaxing and very special. I had the whole weekend to enjoy my daughters company and hear her thoughts and ideas for her future.

Last time we attended we did water colours with Joy Engelman, this time we thought we would try our hand at drawing and we used charcoal. Robert Keen was our teacher and the class was for learning drawing basics. We explored the new ways of finding inspiration in creating our own individual work. Kk and I feel we produced two masterpieces and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Kk still continues with her art and on occasions I still indulge, I have to say it is a very relaxing pass time and rewarding to see the fruits of our labour.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Charles Sturt University Business Breakfast

This was the first Business Breakfast for 2009 at the Orange Charles Sturt Campus. Is was a significant occasion that came at the inception of a further dramatic expansion of the University's presence in Orange. The discussion at breakfast described the exciting, planned developments for the next few years. Already buildings were well advanced. The understanding is that on completion this campus will more than double the size of the Campus infrastructure.

We received a presentation on the campus developments and understood how there has been a gradual shift towards specialty health services being taught at this campus. We saw a nesting place in one of the towers as this is the location of one of the camera's that surveillance the site.

The breakfast was pleasing to attend as it allowed us the chance to become clear on the direction for Charles Sturt University Orange and better understand the long term plans. The networking opportunity was also not worth missing as there were a lot of familiar faces keen to her the progress of this valuable educational facility for Orange.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Scout Camp Multi-purpose Tower opening

The weather was beautiful outside and the Scout Camp was calling. Mayor Kidd and I had accepted an invite to view the new Multi-purpose Tower at the Scout Camp. There was a set up in place and you could hear the squeal of excitement and laughter as we ventured near. Then you could see what all the excitement was about a 7 meter high flying fox is set up permanently.

We went through the official ceremony and cutting of the ribbon for the gate and then the surprise came. Reg and I were asked if we would like a turn on the flying fox. Remaining brave I smiled and said yes! why I said yes I will never be sure of except that I was probably to worried about people knowing I have a huge, yes huge fear of heights.

Anyway I am past that now and yes Reg and I did jump from the flying fox, in fact we did it twice and it was a real hoot. Well done to the coordinator's and Scout Association there will be many happy moments shared there and a new adventure for those visiting.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Wool Expo" and "Rural Fair" Marsden Rural History Research Centre

Unfortunately I missed this event but my husband attended in my place. In fact he was so impressed with the set up he decided to become a part of the event with a stall showcasing our Budgeting Pack. He said the event was well organised and there were plenty of people in attendance. This is the first year for this event which was intended to be a family friendly day out covering many facets of rural life both past and present.

Education is a big part of the Marsden Centre charter, for this reason they saw the "Wool Expo" and "Country Fair" as an ideal opportunity to bring rural life and history to people of all ages. I hear the event was a huge success and I look forward to the same again next year.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Australian Local Government Womens Association AGM

I have attached the link to our newsletter from the forum held at Queanbeyan. Our last annual forum was a huge success with many new Councillors now joining the association.

Visit Australian Local Government Women's Association to learn more about the conference and upcoming news.

I was re-elected as the Country Vice Chair person and welcome contact with people wishing to learn more about our association or wanting to make contact about other issues. Please email me at

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Women In Business- A Forum for Success

In March, regional women in business were invited to an engaging and rewarding day at Orange Ex Services Club. The inaugural Regional Women in Business Forum presented a new, highly interactive opportunity designed to assist regional women in the growth and development of their businesses.

There was plenty of information and real strategies to deal with challenges encountered in the regional business world. There was also the opportunity to learn and develop in the company of other successful women.

The regional Women in Business forum was developed for women who are looking to explore further opportunities to grow and develop their business in Regional NSW, as well as having a deeper understanding of practical strategies to deal with key challenges in the business world.

The forum provided a relaxed atmosphere which allowed networking and further business opportunities. There were several key speakers the major one being Kerry Pottharst. Kerry Pottharst is the Australian Gold Medalist in Volleyball. She inspires both on and off the volleyball court and inspired us all with her life story and challenges. She also helped us face our fears encouraging some of the women to walk on glass.

Other speakers included Mary Brell who is the Managing Director for Keys to Success, Val Myote manager of Curves Orange and Lee Blume from Action Coach Orange. All inspiring and encouraging ladies to listen to and their go get it attitude and believe in yourself talk definitely helps you get motivated.

A women's business group is in the process of being set up and I will keep you updated on the progress.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Handicraft Presentation for the Country Women's Association of NSW

This is the second year running now that I have been able to stand in for the Mayor and give out the certificates and gifts for the handicraft presentations. As per usual there was a great deal of craft from the various different towns and I am so glad that I was not the judge. I have to say I wouldn't have minded doing a bit of shopping as well because the products are so well finished off with detail. You know you are getting quality because all items are made by real people who love what they do.

I enjoyed talking with the contestants, the organisers and the visitors. I understand that their is quite a bit of work not only put into preparing the items but also in setting up the displays and moving them around. I understand that the organisers were on their way to Sydney for there next stop.

I do hope I get the chance to come along again next year.

Visit the Country Women's Association web-site, better still become a member!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Internationa Women's Day 2009

International Women's Day is celebrated around the world each year on the 8th March. It is an important occasion to take time out to reflect and celebrate the achievements and gains made by women and to focus on the job still to do working towards equality for women around the world.

International Women's Day provides an opportunity for communities to recognise and celebrate local women's achievements and the contribution they continue to make to the area. The Office for Women's Policy, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet provided one thousand dollars to Orange City Council to work with local community groups to organise this event to celebrate locally the 2009 International Women's Day.

The theme for 2009 is "Sharing and Caring for the Future" and the day let us focus on the contribution of women in their caring roles, in both the paid and unpaid workforce, and explore the strategies needed to share the responsibility for caring across our community.

In Orange we are fortunate to have a variety of organisations to assist those who care for our most vulnerable. These organisations provide a range of services which include in home assistance such as cleaning and personal care, assistance with meals, whether providing a delivered meal or shopping service, respite for carers in the individuals own home, in the community or, where appropriate, in an aged care facility and information and referral services to link carers to ongoing support appropriate to their individual needs and circumstances. Details of these services can be found on Council's website.

Strategies to assist carers and share a load might include offering to pick up a few things at the local grocery store, doing an odd job around the home, stopping in for a cuppa and having a chat. These few simple strategies can provide carers with much needed assistance and socialisation and also let carers know they are not alone.

We had several guest speakers at this event they being Jan Savage who was announced as the Orange Electorate Women of the Year and Dr Ruth Arnold who spoke about health and in particular Orange Base Hospital's new development and regional service.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

ARLP Hunter Valley

Another trip away with the Australian Rural Leadership and this time to the Hunter Valley. There were four major objectives for this trip and they were to understand major issues facing selected Australian rural industries. Develop personal leadership skills, understand the importance of research and development for rural Australia and expand our understanding of the National Indigenous Council and challenges facing indigenous communities.
This was a jam packed trip with the opportunity to not only meet leaders in varying industries but to also view the industry, ask questions and gain a better understanding from where they stand.
On a personal note I gave a presentation about myself, family and industries that I work in. I was able to share information about where I live, the community, major businesses and industries, the environment and our multi-cultural and Aboriginal communities.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Art Display- Scott Gilbank

Off to the Orange Art Gallery to see the fine art work on display. I took with me my younger daughter who is keen on artwork herself. We viewed the work of Scott Gilbank with his years of travel and collecting work along the way. Scott Gilbank travelled the world as an advertising photographer. The images in his exhibition were taken for his personal artistic pleasure. Also Trevor Hood had his display of Dust, Marks and Memories imagining landscapes.

With a keen eye for colour and landscapes we both enjoyed the work of these two artists along with the experience of visiting Orange City Councils distinct art gallery.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Gnoo Blas "20"

Orange Light Care Club presented the Gnoo-Blas "20"
I was asked to represent John Davis our former Mayor for Orange at this event. My husband and I enjoyed the hospitality, talent and stars of the show. We learnt about the true love that so many of the guests had, what is that true love you may be asking- their cars of course.
We heard from several guest speakers including Brad Jones who shared their world of racing. We met the sponsors and enjoyed the money raising events.

We left feeling that their were so many more stories to be told about the adventures they have had and friendships that have been made. They were a lovely group of people who presented us with a slide show of their get together and of course the cars.

We are looking forward to their next celebration.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Orange Slow Summer Festival

It was an early start to the morning with a stroll through Robertson Park, the birds were singing and the smell of food cooking was bringing us closer to our destination. My son Tristan and I decided to spend Friday morning having breakfast in Roberston park.

We weren't alone by any means, there were plenty of people there celebrating the launch of the Orange Slow Summer Festival and enjoying the atmosphere put on by the organisers and the rest of the community. There was some music, a variety of food and a community table to sit and eat, drink and be a part of the company from others.

It was lovely start to the day and I recommend a walk in the park early in the morning if only to see nature at its finest, whilst hearing the birds sing.

Visit Taste Orange website to learn about other upcoming events

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Leukaemia Foundation

"Vision to Cure, Mission to Care"

Why support the Leukaemia Foundation within the Central West? EVERY HOUR, someone in Australia is diagnosed with leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma. It is also estimated that every two hours, someone loses their life to these blood cancers.

I had the pleasure of joining several of my fellow Councillors when attending the official opening for the Central West Office in Orange. Helen Snodgrass worked incredibly hard in bringing together the call centre for Orange which will help people and families who are impacted by leukaemia.

To learn more about the Leukaemia Foundation Orange visit their office located at
Suite 5, Anson Street Plaza or
Phone 63613774 or

More details can be found at their website

My eldest son and our family have been avid supporters of "Shave for a Cure" for the past 5 years, each year Jono decides to do something different when he has his head shaved. His last attempt was with the help of myself out side of the Woolworth's building here in Orange. He has raised in excess of $4,500 over that time.

Job Centre Australia

Job Centre Australia is one of Australia's leading disability recruitment and placement employment agencies. They find the right job for jobseekers and the right staff for businesses.
I had the opportunity to attend an information afternoon to learn more about this Disability Employment Network.

Job Centre Australia Limited (JCAL) is part of the Disability Employment Network (DEN) funded by the Commonwealth Department of Education and Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). They are a non-profit organisation, providing no cost employment and training solutions across NSW. JCAL have been providing specialist employment services to people with barriers for nearly 20 years.

JCAL assist people with an injury, disability or health condition, to work independently in the open labour market. They will help individuals prepare for work and employment, provide on going training and ensure there is a support networ throughout their career development.

To find out more visit their web-site

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Canobolas Kites

What a fun day we had!

We went up to the end of Cecil Road to the Orange Christian Ministry Centre and there were kites flying high. There was the parachuting Teddy and some other amazing designs. A huge tent was filled with activities for children and some rather funny clowns who wanted to make animals out of sausage balloons.

We even had the chance to learn how to make a kite from scratch and then go outside and fly it. There was music, food and games and amazingly it was all free. It was a day which brought us outside to share some quality time with our children, it definitely has the thumbs up from our family.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Australia Day in Cook Park- Orange

What a day for celebrations! Australia Day in Orange was held at Cook Park. A spectacular place in its own right. The beauty of nature with the glorious trees and plants.

Catriona Rowntree who is the well known presenter for Nine Networks Getaway program was our Ambassador for the day.

It was a day jam packed with activities, presentations, entertainment and of course the early morning cooked breakfast. Every year we take our children and this year was no different. Sporting our Australian T-shirts and hats, off we ventured for the 8am start. The breakfast was delicious and filling sitting out in the beautiful park and becoming a part of the atmosphere.

The excitement could be heard along with laughter and singing.

The days activities included presentations of the CWD colouring in competition, Canobolas Highland Pipe Band and the march. The official ceremony which has the flag raising, the Mayors welcome, a speech from our Ambassador Catriona Rowntree, the Citizen Ceremony and Australia Day Awards presentations were included. A presentation to the family of the late Tom Moore was done in recognition for the many years in which he designed the art work for the children's colouring in competition.

There was plenty of entertainment, music and dancing along with the judging of the Aussie Hat Competition. The finally for the day was the drawing of the raffle and presentation of prizes for the painting competition. There were plenty of stalls filled with gifts and plants, something for everyone.

It is an event that our family has always attended and our thanks goes to the committee who do all the hard work and make possible the event.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wiradjuri Cultural Centre- Condobalin

Myself and several fellow Councillors made a trip to Condobalin to see the new cultural centre which was being built by Aboriginal people for Aboriginal people. The design had been developed and the building was well underway. Percy Knight gave us a brief about the Centre explaining the significance of the building and how the internal and external design would be complimentary to the Aboriginal culture.

It was amazing to see the builders at work. They were young men who were being trained by qualified builders helping them to gain a trade. The bricks for the walls were made from mud and were made on site. There was a machine which they used and the soil came from the area of Condobalin.

The building is circular and has various rooms to accommodate different educational and community areas. I found the visit to be very informative and gave me a clearer understanding for the proposed cultural centre for Orange. In the near future Orange will hopefully be able to

have this same facility complimentary to our Aboriginal people.