Councillor Role
In 2008 Fiona ran for re-election on her own ticket- Team H. She was successful in being re-elected and only 100 votes short of her second candidate Gerald Power being elected also. If she had of been successful with the second candidate Orange Council would have had its first Aboriginal Councillor.
Items of particular interest to Fiona at this time would be the water issue in Orange. She has been active in working towards a way for future water sustainability. Evidence of the work done to date can be viewed on the Council web site- Water Project
Fiona also enjoys the role she plays in the numerous areas relating to the major portfolio in which she holds- Community Services. Given her background as a Registered Nurse, previous Councillor, Justice of the Peace, involvement in local community projects and various fundraising activities Fiona believes she is well suited to this role. In particular she is approachable, empathic, professional, understanding and seeks out the various needs of her community. Projects Fiona has been involved in through Council are:
* Water strategy for the future 2050
* Storm Water Harvesting scheme
* Planning and development of the New PCYC centre in Orange
* Spring Street Bridge
* Children's Memorial Garden
* Expansion of the Skate park
* Advocate for Icely and Ophir road users linking to Northern Distributor
* Youth Conference Orange
* Australian Rural Leadership Course- Vision Task needs assessment for families.
* Crime Prevention CCTV cameras
* Christmas Festival
* Chamber of Commerce representative for Council
* Disability services
* Mount Canobolas as a Tourist area
* Dragon Boats Orange
In 2004 Fiona was first elected as a Councillor with Orange City Council. After a busy time with election and campaigning against 77 other possible candidates. Fiona became the third female Councillor at Orange. Fiona is an extremely active Council member and some of the projects that she has driven or been involved in are:
- Designing and building two BMX Tracks in Orange after establishing a partnership with organisations to provide funding in support (competitive and recreational)
- Lobbying and building a recreational play area for children at Glenroi
- Working with the community and other Councillors to have an Aboriginal Flag flown at the Council Chambers
- Working with a committee and Youth to establish "Not just another Café" (NJAC)
- Set up a Pilot Project with Police, Public School and Council to provide bikes and helmets so that bike riding could become part of the sport curriculum at no cost to students.
- Lobbied for changes in phone directory, reduced speed on distributor road, better meeting times, shared space, and much more.
- Been an active member in the Community Plan 2020 for Orange
- Amongst many other things... Visit this site monthly to stay updated on what Fiona has been involved in with Council.
Fiona's objectives on council
Council Objectives (PDF File)
Orange Councillor and Candidate 2008 Election
Please find in this document the completed profile with full policy information and many other extras added in.
You Tube- Orange Electorate Fiona Rossiter Team H
Visit this new website Australian Family Matters
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Interview 2MCE- Women on Council
This is a topic that I believe needs a lot more time spent on it and a concerted effort in lifting the profile of women so that they can take up this role.
I am one of 12 Councillors with Orange City Council. The break down is 1 female and 11 male and I wouldn't be lying when saying that there is a huge in balance in gender. In the previous term we had 3 female Councillors, one of which had been standing for 43 years. Quite a significant feet seeing as it can be quite a rugged terrain at times.
I know only to well after being set up by a fellow Councillor with a media story how damaging peoples intent can be. But lets not dwell on the misfortune of people who have no insight. Yes you need to be tough! and yes there are hurtful people, there are also people who have absolutely no emotional intelligence so I find it easier to put that aside and not to take on the faults of others.
On an extremely positive note I have to say that there is progress in encouraging more women into local government. The Australian Local Government Women's Association which I am the County Vice President to have been detrimental in this task. Our organisation ran several presentations prior to the last election educating women about their worth and what the role as Councillor involves. We were pleased with the attendance and the engagement was positive. I understand that there have been new faces brought to Council and with that some Mayors and Deputy Mayors.
I myself gain a lot of satisfaction when undertaking the role as Councillor. I enjoy working with people and know how even the most minor matter can be significant to people and their environment. I welcome the contact and try very hard to keep the communication open between the community and our Council. I believe I am a fair advocate and because of my nursing background have a true empathy to the needs of people, business, environment and special need groups.
My objectives are available on the Orange City Council web-site http://council.saucedesign.com.au/go/our-council/councillors/councillor-rossiter
If you would like to contact me please feel free to do so Ph 0409 662525.
I also enjoy public speaking and have the joy of newly becoming a business owner with my husband Paul. Family is a key to our success in life and we have founded Australian Family Matters http://www.australianfamilymatters.com.au/ which is a networking and support organisation and our Business is called Back 2 Family Basics http://www.back2familybasics.com.au/index.php We believe that family which has support can achieve so much but most importantly have a real connection and balance in life. Learn more by visiting our sites.
Our Children, Our Families, Our Future
Posted by
2:47 PM
Monday, September 22, 2008
Bike Week
Posted by
7:21 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Multi-Cultural Men's Information Evening
Posted by
6:40 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Guest Speaker Orange Mountain Evening View Club
Posted by
6:58 PM
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Local Government Elections
Posted by
5:34 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Civic Reception to Thank our Volunteers
It was a mad rush but I just had to be there! after finishing work my husband and I made our way out to the Botanical Gardens to be a part of the congratulatory service put on by Orange City Council. We have so many unsung heroes here in Orange and of such magnitude that if we didnt have them it would be detrimental to our community.
These people come from all walks of life and are in a mix of different roles within Council and community projects. Having the volunteers is yet another way of connecting with our community and benefiting from their expertise and skills. Not to mention the people on the receiving end such as meals on wheels. For some people this is the only form of human contact they can have and so providing something to look forward to.
There was quite a crowd at this event and the Mayor John Davis did a marvellous job in congratulating and acknowledging everyone. The venue at the Botanical gardens of course was picturesque both with the gardens and the birds singing.
Congratulations to our many volunteers!
Posted by
5:20 PM
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Frost Fest Launch
Posted by
4:53 PM
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Golden West Centenary Camp Celebrations
I had the pleasure of calling out to the Orange Scout camp which is near lake Canobolas. It was a packed house with plenty of tents set up and people everywhere. Mixed in amongst all of this was lots of laughter and play.
Our Scout leaders had put on a show of activities including a flying fox/abseiling wall where the children could try out their talents. There was a mix of challenges, craft, physical games and a guided tour through the history of Scouts. Interesting enough were the poles which held different colour ribbons to show of activities each group had been involved in. There were even some of the previous scout and leaders from many years ago talking about their time. The memories came pouring in along with the laughter from reminiscing those times.
We are lucky to have such committed people who are willing to be our Scout leaders who support and help our young people learn about ethics and values. Then there are the skills and confidence building that's goes with being involved in activities and a part of a team. I recommend this organisation after what I have seen at different events and from having a young man in our family who has had the best adventures through Scouts.
Keep up the great work! we are very lucky to have you.
Posted by
4:41 PM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Back 2 Family Basics- Budget Planner Book Launch
Posted by
10:13 PM