Councillor Role

In 2008 Fiona ran for re-election on her own ticket- Team H. She was successful in being re-elected and only 100 votes short of her second candidate Gerald Power being elected also. If she had of been successful with the second candidate Orange Council would have had its first Aboriginal Councillor.

Items of particular interest to Fiona at this time would be the water issue in Orange. She has been active in working towards a way for future water sustainability. Evidence of the work done to date can be viewed on the Council web site- Water Project

Fiona also enjoys the role she plays in the numerous areas relating to the major portfolio in which she holds- Community Services. Given her background as a Registered Nurse, previous Councillor, Justice of the Peace, involvement in local community projects and various fundraising activities Fiona believes she is well suited to this role. In particular she is approachable, empathic, professional, understanding and seeks out the various needs of her community. Projects Fiona has been involved in through Council are:

* Water strategy for the future 2050
* Storm Water Harvesting scheme
* Planning and development of the New PCYC centre in Orange
* Spring Street Bridge
* Children's Memorial Garden
* Expansion of the Skate park
* Advocate for Icely and Ophir road users linking to Northern Distributor
* Youth Conference Orange
* Australian Rural Leadership Course- Vision Task needs assessment for families.
* Crime Prevention CCTV cameras
* Christmas Festival
* Chamber of Commerce representative for Council
* Disability services
* Mount Canobolas as a Tourist area
* Dragon Boats Orange

In 2004 Fiona was first elected as a Councillor with Orange City Council. After a busy time with election and campaigning against 77 other possible candidates. Fiona became the third female Councillor at Orange. Fiona is an extremely active Council member and some of the projects that she has driven or been involved in are:

  • Designing and building two BMX Tracks in Orange after establishing a partnership with organisations to provide funding in support (competitive and recreational)
  • Lobbying and building a recreational play area for children at Glenroi
  • Working with the community and other Councillors to have an Aboriginal Flag flown at the Council Chambers
  • Working with a committee and Youth to establish "Not just another Café" (NJAC)
  • Set up a Pilot Project with Police, Public School and Council to provide bikes and helmets so that bike riding could become part of the sport curriculum at no cost to students.
  • Lobbied for changes in phone directory, reduced speed on distributor road, better meeting times, shared space, and much more.
  • Been an active member in the Community Plan 2020 for Orange
  • Amongst many other things... Visit this site monthly to stay updated on what Fiona has been involved in with Council.

Fiona's objectives on council

Council Objectives (PDF File)

Orange Councillor and Candidate 2008 Election
Please find in this document the completed profile with full policy information and many other extras added in.

You Tube- Orange Electorate Fiona Rossiter Team H

Visit this new website Australian Family Matters

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Mayor's Cup Debating Competition

What an interesting morning hearing teenagers debate what they believe would be the standing points in topics they had drawn. Each of our High Schools had the opportunity to enter and run teams who were keen to show how fast they can think on their feet. Not only that they had to find convincing information that would influence your way of thinking to support their topic.

The topics for discussion were:

That Local development is more important than community concerns.

That Council has the right to determine the location of major development

and for the finalists

That Council was right to support the racing industry with a half-day public holiday

Myself and Cr Hetherington chaired the first two teams. You couldn't help but get engaged in the debate as they put forward interesting points and you could see the other teams coming up with further points to bring in each time another speaker stood up to debate. The scribe and speakers couldn't work fast enough with their thought processes and throwing in the odd curly point.

It was definitely the highlight of my day and seeing the culmination of the final speakers showed Canobolas High School to be the clear winners of the day, removing the trophy from the previous years winner Kinross Wolaroi School.

If you ever get the opportunity I would recommend a visit to future Mayoral Cup Debating Competitions.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Australian Family Matters Inc

A must see...the new web-site Australian Family Matters. It's a place to visit which has lots of information for family members. There is so much to see and do you will be engrossed for hours and when you have finished reading why don't you look at adding your own information?

The address is It is really worth a visit.
The launch on Monday the 5th November of Australian Family Matters went off exceptionally well with Senator Fiona Nash launching the site and Mayor John Davis speaking about Parkes involvement. Both spoke about the importance of supporting family life and a real need to provide networking and to overcome the isolation that is being felt. They mentioned the value of the site in helping to alleviate these problems and to broaden friendships and ideas in life.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Climate Change-Action for Everyone

I spent a day through at Cowra Japanese Garden's having a strategic look at how climate change affects council operations. There were several clear messages coming through and they were that Councils are becoming more liable in claims relating to climate change. That there needs to be a better understanding of the Climate Change Policy and the Carbon permit scheme. There is no longer a Carbon Credit scheme future market in the Emission Trading Regime relating to understanding your footprint and having available permits to off set your Carbon Footprint.
There was plenty to learn and understand and it was a beneficial conference for me to attend. I have a fair understanding of Climate Change but I believe firmly that you can never know enough. It concerned me that Councils are becoming more accountable with regards to the changes occurring from the green house effect.
There was the suggestion also that the 1 in 100 flood plan needs to be reviewed with statistics showing that it could be more a 1 in 17 years flood.
We learnt about the impacts on health an area which I understood fully working in my professional role as a nurse. The implications of population displacement, extreme weather, injury and trauma, mental health, temperature related deaths and increased air pollution causing respiratory problems. We need to be active in encouraging healthy environments and this can be as simple as educating people on hydration in extreme heat conditions. Implementing a stay cool strategy for outdoor employees and stay cool programmes are all relevant in the future of all Australians. Tackling obesity and reduce greenhouse emissions by encouraging and making available bike and walking paths, I believe our Council has been a true advocate in.
There was also a great deal of emphasis on reducing CO2 by ceasing organic waste being placed into land fill. Apparently it doubles up the CO2. An anaerobic composting area was identified as a place where organic waste should go.
There were the key themes relating to reducing gases (mitigation) and climate change (adaptation). I left this conference with a strategy to review our (Orange City Councils) carbon footprint by putting forward a motion

"that Orange City Council initiates a "Greening Our Streets" program by looking into all options for lighting of all streets in Orange, evaluating and feeding back to Council and the sustainability plan".

Amazingly the Councillors who I believed were green voted against this motion with the excuse being that Green Power is to expensive. Some how they lost site of other options such as solar panels or changing globes. Quite extraordinary I thought.

Orange City Council could have been among the first Councils to light all streets utilising a green initiative therefore reducing our ecological footprint and sending a strong message to our community that Council is serious in leading the way to ecological sustainability.
I will continue my pursuit in finding a means to reduce Orange City Councils Carbon Footprint. I believe it is a joint effort between businesses, organisations and individuals and that we should be an advocate working towards sustaining a greener environment for our children's future.

"Everyone deserve the chance to live a healthy lifestyle in a conducive environment!" it's up to us as Councillors to initiate change and lead by example.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Australian Local Government Womens Association 27-27th July

A recent trip to Canberra through stormy weather saw me arrive at the final destination for the Australian Local Government Womens Association (ALGWA) committee meetings. I always find these productive meetings as we are able to further progress the inclusion of women into local government, give them opportunities to have a voice and educate them on where to gain support.

Over the past few months we have actively been encouraging women to put their hand up for local government elections. Cr Pam Ryan and myself held a presentation evening here in Orange with an information packed event. There were 10 ladies who attended expressing their interest in learning more about the Councillor role. There was also the need to better understand the committment of time and resources available to help understand the multi faceted approaches and areas relating to Council. With the upcoming elections nearing we would like to see more women put there hand up to venture into this terrain.

ALGWA has also commenced a trial run with the launch of progressive book which highlights the journey some women Councillors have had in local government. We are looking for more input and would like in the near future to publish this book making it available to the general public. It would be a great resource for any person contemplating the Councillor role in the future.

For more information about ALGWA visit our information packed web-site and feel free to contact us with ideas, suggestions or just to find out more about the role as Councillor.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Anzac Park Community Facility

I believe the Anzac Park Community Facility turning of the sod was launched by Senator Stephen Hutchins NSW Duty Senator for Calare, Greenway, Macarthur and Parkes. It's confirmed the Community Sports Facility is underway and in preparation for our sports minded athletes. We will have the capability of expanding our competition in various fields of sport with that ability to stage most of this indoors. Quite an achievement and forward thinking for our sports minded people.

It has been a long time in coming and connects well into our other resources such as football fields and BMX track. In fact our BMX track will soon see a lot more activity with the progression of a BMX club being set up. At this point in time all I can say is watch this space as there is the potential in the future to have a Olympian from Orange in BMX riding.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Transport & Logistics Graduation

Mission Australia (Orange) has teamed up with Real Corporate Partners to deliver a range of exciting, fast paced, fresh approached training courses under the PPP scheme. Mission Australia (Orange) and Real Corporate Partners have successfully delivered a winning format that not only gives participants the technical skills to gain employment, but also delivers employ ability skills needed to implement change in the unemployment cycle.

The graduation of successful students who recently completed a Certificate ll in Transport and Logistics (Warehouse & Storage) through the Productivity Places Program (PPP) a new government initiative up skilling unemployed people in skill shortage areas.

The Mayor John Davis and myself attended the presentation of certificates and it was a celebration for these people who had the opportunity to further their skills and open up the opportunity for future employment. A great effort!

Sir Roden Cutler Charities Wheel Chair Roll

It was my great pleasure to welcome everyone to the Sir Roden Cutler Charities Wheelchair Roll on Wednesday. I was invited to officially open this event. I spoke about and recognised the work that goes unnoticed. Work that is done each and every day by ordinary people. This work involves assistance to allow people with a disability to remain living at home. Parents, children, friends and neighbours do this work and these people are carers.

We had also gathered to witness the presentation of a donation to a local organisation that provides a valuable service to people with a disability. The recipient organisation strives to provide children with a disability the chance to get out in the world and enjoy the vast benefits of the outdoors. To encourage ideas and life skills, stimulate the body and brain and enhance social skills by learning and enjoying sailing. The organisation that received the donation was the Anson Street School's sailing program.

Sir Roden Cutler Charities is based in the eastern suburbs of Sydney and is known as the charity that helps out when no-one else can, or does. Its aim is "to relieve persons in Australia in necessitous circumstances". It does this in three areas:

  • provides transport assistance to and from medical or hospital appointments on a day to day basis (Pick-Me-Up program)

  • supports carers with personal assistance as needed through the Caring for Carers program

  • provides material and financial assistance as required (after assessment) through a Special Circumstances Grants scheme.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The 2008 Orange Credit Union Sports Awards

There was quite a crowd at the Orange Ex-Services Club this Saturday night and for good reason. It was the 2008 Orange Sports Awards. Three major awards were handed out including the senior and junior sports person of the year as well as the team of the year.

Cyclist Charlie Gascoyne won the senior award. The junior award was shared between basketballers Mitch Mavrak, Eliza and Bernadette Barden. Orange's State League netball side was named the team of the year.

The finalists covered a wide range of sports including netball, cycling, basketball, tenpin bowling, hockey, rugby league, boxing and more.

There was also the induction into the Orange's Sporting Hall of Fame with marathon runner Kate Smyth and pistol shooter Dean Brus gaining entry.

I shared the evenings proceedings with my wonderful husband Paul and enjoyed meeting the candidates and their families throughout the evening. These type of functions are fortunate also to go ahead with the sponsorship of local businesses and the Orange Credit Union was the sponsor for this event and should be acknowledged for their support.

Congratulations to all the people and teams nominated and of course to the winners and recipients to the Hall of Fame.

Request to write for Country Womens Web

I have been approached recently to write in "The County Web" for the Rural Women's Network. The section is called Women in decision making and I speak about what motivates me, what I get out of being involved, obstacles I may have experienced, obstacles I have overcome, where I get support from and what my final message to other women wanting to be more involved in decision making. This has a been a wonderful opportunity for me to be able to share my experiences whilst supporting other women.
The newsletter should be available soon and can be ordered via the Rural Women's Network web-site at If you live in NSW you can request a free printed copy via a mailing list again by contact at the website listed above.
I welcome contact with regards to my points of discussion and for future public speaking.

Friday, July 18, 2008

An Independent Mind- Peter Andren MP

On Friday night along with visiting the Aboriginal Art work, I was able to view the exhibition of the late MP Peter Andrens life. It was a memorable display with exhibits, photography, media clips and television previews honouring the achievements of his life.

Mr Andren died last year after fighting cancer and as his partner Ms Fabar thanked the crowd she also shared a conversation she had with a young girl. The young girl asked Ms Fabar "what is your favourite part of the exhibition?" and without even thinking Ms Fabar immediately replied saying "the part that isn't here".

I had met with Mr Andren on numerous occasions and found his gentle, polite and welcoming nature unique. It was one of the many things that I admired about him. He was supportive with advise and encouraging growth of others. Mr Andren is a great loss to our electorate and to the importance of having a true independent in government.

I found myself a few days later going back to the exhibition when it was a bit quieter to really gain an understanding on his life and involvement with others. Unfortunately we cannot turn back time but we can certainly learn from great leaders such as Peter Andren MP. I spent quite a bit of time there that day listening to him speak in the footage at Parliament house and reading his many articles.

Yinaa Bula-Ngumbaay Art Exhibition-Orange NSW

The colours were magnificent as was the display with many stories to tell. When viewing the art display recently at Orange City Council Art Gallery I found myself wandering back in thought to my recent trip to the Kimberley's where we learnt about dream time stories.

The artists, Trish Carroll, Joanne Reid and Nyree Reynolds have developed quite a reputation for their artwork. I understand that it appears in government buildings as well as private collections.

Premi-Babes Trivia Night

My husband, daughter and friends enjoyed an interesting and playful night at the recent Premi-Babes Trivia Night. Orange Premi-Babes' Association, provides critical care equipment for the nursery at Orange Base Hospital. The Premi-Babes Association of Orange is a non-profit organisation of volunteers committed to raising funds to provide specialised equipment throughout the Greater Western Area Health Service for premature and/or sick babies, and sometimes young children. This little baby was able to make use of some of that equipement in his time of need.

Particular attention is given to the Special Care Nursery at Orange Base Hospital.

The association was formed in 1973 by a group of five friends with babies of their own, who discovered the necessity for vital equipment to save country babies in need.

Since the association began it has raised over one hundred thousand to carry out the five friends commitment. All funds raised remain within the Greater Western Area Health Service of NSW District.

The association can assist you by providing premi-babe clothing, a friendly ear for a chat, and assistance in special circumstances. Some of the equipment Premi-babes have purchased include humidicribs, neonatal cardiac monitors, blood pressure monitors, oxygen blenders, resuscitation trolley, breast pumps, ultrasound unit, neonatal stethoscopes, pulse oximiters, humidifiers, foetal Doppler's, bilirubin beds, syringe pumps and transport cribs. Quite a big effort when you list it all.

Congratulations to a group of people who do amazing work in fundraising, to help in a time which can be quite difficult to manage when unexpected turns take place.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Orange Mountain Evening View Club-Christmas in July

My daughter, Anni and I ventured out on a cold evening to be a part of the Orange Mountain Evening View Club Christmas in July function. We were greeted by Santa and mingled with some lovely ladies who were enjoying the evening. We were served a traditional Christmas dinner which was delightful and certainly warmed us.
Jan Savage from Cancer Care Western NSW spoke about the organisation she represented and the hard work they have been doing when trying to raise 2 million dollars. This money will be spent on an accommodation unit which will house people who need cancer treatment at Orange Base Hospital.
To finish off the evening we were each given a gift which were all quite unique and brought about a bit of laughter. This was a lovely social evening with the added bonus of hearing about a worthy organisation which is supporting the Greater Western area.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

2BS Radio Interview

I had just received a phone call from Charles at 2BS asking for an interview on what has been happening in Orange. It was a call I welcomed as I knew very well that we had been active with various activities and initiatives.

I was able to speak about our "Water Tight Program" where Orange was accepting expressions of interest from households who would like to have fitted in their homes water saving devices. The program runs for 6 weeks and prizes are given out for the most innovative water saving ideas and lowest consumption per person. At the end of the 6 week time frame there will be a major prize for 1 of the 10 households to win.

Another topic was the Shower head Exchange Program- which has been very popular and only going for 1 week. In that time Orange City Council has given out over 100 water saving shower heads. All people have to do is come down to Customer Service with their old shower head, fill out a form and they will be given a new water saving shower head. Shower timers have also been very popular, so much so that we have given out hundreds and a new batch had to be ordered.

There has been the progression of the Anson Street crossing between Woolworth's and Myers with the kerb side blisters. This crossing has allowed a safer means for pedestrians to cross this main thoroughfare.

The Rural Fire Control Centre and State Training Centre for Excellence is something to get excited about. In the very near future we will have the ability to train future Fire Fighters in a world class facility. Completion date is expected to be Monday 18th August 2008.

Gosling Creek Reserve has had planting works which have been undertaken by the IT company, Computer Associates. They have invested in the restoration of the shoreline of Gosling Creek Reservoir. Since the completion of the fishing deck and commencement of restoration works on the southern side of the reservoir, the number of visitor's accessing this side has increased.

The Merge Program is something to get truly excited about. The NSW Attorney General recently announced a contribution of $50,000 for this current financial year towards the conduct of the Merge Program- a free holiday activity program for young people referred by local schools. This program interacts very effectively with Council's other programs focusing on the needs of identified young people particularly the Better Pathways Program which focuses on the needs of young people who disengage or are at risk of disengagement from the education system. Council continue to work with the local indigenous community to develop programs to assist in addressing local identified needs.

So after reading all the information you can probably understand why I get excited about the progression of Orange. We have enthusiastic and diligent staff at Orange City Council who have been more than capable of progressing these items I have highlighted and in meeting the needs of our community.

I have enjoyed the opportunity to speak positively about our Cities progression. There is much more to come and I believe that Orange will be a highly sought after place of destination to reside in and call home.
Visit Orange City Council Web-site to learn more

Friday, July 4, 2008

Merge Project Funding

NSW Attorney General John Hatzistergos visited Orange to announce a funding grant of $50,000 under the State Government's Safer Community Compact Grant Scheme. "This funding will enable Orange City Council to continue its highly successful Merge Holiday Activity Program, which began in 2006" Mr Hatzistergos said.

The free school holiday program provides five weeks of activities, including entertainment, sport and life skills, for up to 100 children aged between seven and 15. The aim is to reduce the anti-social behaviour and help people understand that there are other activities which are not only engaging but stimulating for these children.

The State Government's continuing support of the Merge program means that Council will be able to reach out to the city's young people offering them positive activities. The Merge project provides activities to more than 150 participants. Youth services have always been a high priority for our Council and is an area which I have a particular interest as the Youth Inter agency Chair. It has been great to have the continuing support of the Attorney General here in Orange.