Councillor Role

In 2008 Fiona ran for re-election on her own ticket- Team H. She was successful in being re-elected and only 100 votes short of her second candidate Gerald Power being elected also. If she had of been successful with the second candidate Orange Council would have had its first Aboriginal Councillor.

Items of particular interest to Fiona at this time would be the water issue in Orange. She has been active in working towards a way for future water sustainability. Evidence of the work done to date can be viewed on the Council web site- Water Project

Fiona also enjoys the role she plays in the numerous areas relating to the major portfolio in which she holds- Community Services. Given her background as a Registered Nurse, previous Councillor, Justice of the Peace, involvement in local community projects and various fundraising activities Fiona believes she is well suited to this role. In particular she is approachable, empathic, professional, understanding and seeks out the various needs of her community. Projects Fiona has been involved in through Council are:

* Water strategy for the future 2050
* Storm Water Harvesting scheme
* Planning and development of the New PCYC centre in Orange
* Spring Street Bridge
* Children's Memorial Garden
* Expansion of the Skate park
* Advocate for Icely and Ophir road users linking to Northern Distributor
* Youth Conference Orange
* Australian Rural Leadership Course- Vision Task needs assessment for families.
* Crime Prevention CCTV cameras
* Christmas Festival
* Chamber of Commerce representative for Council
* Disability services
* Mount Canobolas as a Tourist area
* Dragon Boats Orange

In 2004 Fiona was first elected as a Councillor with Orange City Council. After a busy time with election and campaigning against 77 other possible candidates. Fiona became the third female Councillor at Orange. Fiona is an extremely active Council member and some of the projects that she has driven or been involved in are:

  • Designing and building two BMX Tracks in Orange after establishing a partnership with organisations to provide funding in support (competitive and recreational)
  • Lobbying and building a recreational play area for children at Glenroi
  • Working with the community and other Councillors to have an Aboriginal Flag flown at the Council Chambers
  • Working with a committee and Youth to establish "Not just another Café" (NJAC)
  • Set up a Pilot Project with Police, Public School and Council to provide bikes and helmets so that bike riding could become part of the sport curriculum at no cost to students.
  • Lobbied for changes in phone directory, reduced speed on distributor road, better meeting times, shared space, and much more.
  • Been an active member in the Community Plan 2020 for Orange
  • Amongst many other things... Visit this site monthly to stay updated on what Fiona has been involved in with Council.

Fiona's objectives on council

Council Objectives (PDF File)

Orange Councillor and Candidate 2008 Election
Please find in this document the completed profile with full policy information and many other extras added in.

You Tube- Orange Electorate Fiona Rossiter Team H

Visit this new website Australian Family Matters

Monday, June 30, 2008

Central West Arts and Disability Forum

This was a day that was committed to identifying what arts and disability projects are already happening in the region and what Arts OutWest, local communities and Accessible Arts can do in the future to increase access for people with disabilities to the arts as audience members, artists, arts workers, volunteers and so on.

Although I couldn't attend this function I congratulate the organisers for organising this important information collecting event. This was an exciting opportunity to set the agenda for future arts and disability initiatives for the Central West Region.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Miss Australia Promotion

Bruce Reynolds from ABC radio and myself were asked to judge a recent Miss Australia Promotion held here in Orange. We visited the Hotel Orange and viewed 13 young ladies showing off their talent on the cat-walk. They wore evening wear with a formal gown and then a casual outfit. There were lots of family and friends to cheer on each of the ladies. The culmination of the evening was when each person had the opportunity to answer a question put forward.
We had three winners from the evening who will take part in the Sydney final. I wish them well and look forward to hearing more about their progress.

Water Information Stand- Orange City Council

Orange City Council has held several information stand within the Orange Community to educate people on what is available in the form of resources and where Council is at with the water strategy for Orange.

Water Tight Program- 10 households have been invited to express an interest in having their house fitted with water saving devices. The program runs over a 6 week period and allows these households to come up with the most innovative water saving ideas. They will also be comparing the lowest consumption per person.

Shower head Exchange Program- this has been very popular and only been going for two weeks. Council has already6 given out over 100 water saving shower heads. All the you need to do is come down to Customer Service with your old shower head, fill out a form and we will give you a new shower head.

Shower timers- have been very popular, so much so that we have given out hundreds and have a new batch on order. What you need to do it beat the 4 minutes that the egg timer allows. This is great fun and educational for the kids as well.

There was plenty of information that was given out with regards to water tank rebates and grey water re-use. There were also Council staff available to talk about the water strategy in place with our Council which the Minister Nathan Reese has approved funding of 4.5 million for.

This was an enjoyable day and it was nice to see all the interest from the public. I particularly thought our rain drop character made a huge impact with the younger generation when thinking about water use.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Writers Group- Orange City Council Library

My husband Paul and I have decided on taking a new journey in life and have just set up a new Business venture called "Back 2 Family Basics". This was not a planned venture in life, it was more a mistaken realisation that has occurred and led us into the life of writing. You see we have found over time that we receive many calls and requests seeking help on how to bring up children and work together as a family. From the many conversations with other adults came the seed of thought to write a book about family.

So the Family book was well underway and the first draught had been completed. Then came another idea of more documentation for another package that we had been using for many years. This program had been passed onto our children and involves budgeting and managing finances. Then without realising it another two products were developed to do with your life and incentives and disincentive. Next thing we know we have a great deal of resources which had been working successfully for us.

So why not share these with others, or better still why not solely concentrate on these resources and develop a company which focuses on "family basics" to make life easier. Well here we are now with one package in at the printers waiting to be printed. Another two sitting on the computer being developed further and the last one in a folder ready to be put together.

Are we excited? Yes, because we can share with others what we know and have learnt over the past 24 years as parents bringing up 8 children of our own on a low income and further other children as Foster Parents. These items are so easy to use and we have made them friendly and supportive to the busy lifestyles that so many of us lead.

I have been attending the Orange writers group to learn more about being a writer and find it a supportive environment which I can learn from. Feedback is a part of the process once you have read some of your script to the others. Therefore you can learn further with a different point of view gained.

We are looking forward to launching our products in the not too distant future but in the meantime please feel free to visit our holding page and read in greater detail about the products.

Ambassador of the United States of America

I was fortunate enough to accompany the Mayor John Davis when welcoming the Ambassador of the United States of America Robert Davis McCallum and his wife Mimi to Orange recently. They had been travelling through country NSW visiting various different locations. We learnt about their lives and interests and heard what they were hoping to enjoy in Orange.
Elvis Presley even came up into the conversation as he came from the same place as where the Ambassador and his wife also came from. There was talk of a possible visit to the Elvis Presley event held in Parkes next year by the Ambassador.
We were able to show of our Art Gallery with a guided tour by staff. There was a great deal of discussion and sharing of information about their selves and the United States of America. It was an important day for Orange to have such a significant visitor calling in to say hello.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Spring Hill Community Meeting

I had the pleasure of travelling to the Council run Spring Hill Community meeting with Cr Hetherington. Cr Hetherington Chaired the meeting and we listened to the requests made at the previous meeting held one year ago.

Council had been active in undertaking what was within their realm of work to alleviate the problems expressed by the community. Unfortunately we have no control over some requests such as the postcode issue and the gas line link up. It hasn't stopped our Council though from contacting the relevant people to gain support with these changes.

There were several further items brought to Councils attention such as:

  • A request for the support of a Museum in the town of Spring Hill

  • Noting of the road sides with no noted line marking

  • Councils involvement with the Spring Hill Youth section

  • Water from Spring Hill apparently being reported on in the media as being removed and taken to Orange Cook Park to water the plants? Council is unaware of this occurring.

  • Query into the water level restrictions being placed on Spring Hill residents given that they do not use Orange water supply.

  • Inquiry about the new Fire levy State Government has announced.

  • The idea of precinct committees was flagged by several residents.

  • Sewerage system capacity in relation to the Rural Land Use Strategy.

  • Request for the gas line to come through Spring Hill

  • Children's parties to be held in Community Hall

  • Ability of School to use the hall for sports in wet weather.

  • Signage into Spring Hill- can the colours be changed so they are able to be read.

Other than hearing the concerns and suggestions of communities there is the benefit of being able to meet the people within these communities. I have attended a great deal of these Community Forums and believe although there is a variation in numbers that attend they are of benefit to both Council and the Communities.

Brighter Futures Program- Early Intervention

Orange Community Partnerships held an event which I attended at the Department of Community Services building. The learning was about the "Early Intervention for Brighter Futures".
Information and resources about child development in the early years, the rationale for the new DoCS and Benevolent Society Brighter Futures program and some of the key learning's and outcomes of the last 12 months of service delivery were presented.
Although the numbers of service delivery could be identified as a concern the positive note was that these people were identified as needing help and are now receiving relevant referrals and services to improve and support their life as a family.
The key message was that between the age of 0 to 3 years of age is when there is huge impact on a child as far as the bonding process. It is during this time that Brighter Futures can greatly impact on the future of these children and their families.
A launch of this intervention will occur in the not to distant future and I would recommend a visit to the launch to gain a full understanding of the impact and service delivery.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Golden West Region- Scouting 100 Years

I had the opportunity on behalf of the Mayor John Davis to welcome the Region Scout Council member and guests to the Orange District as part of the AGM program. Orange City Council has had a long history supporting Camp Canobolas. The Golden West Region (which stretches from Lithgow to Broken Hill, occupying nearly 2/3 of the state) was present at the AGM meeting.
Scouting provides opportunities for youth members to gain important life-skills such as responsibility, teamwork, initiative, problem solving skills, communication and the value of community service. The current Scout advertising campaign is based on "Today's Scouts- Tomorrow's Leaders" in recognition of the wide range of skills and experiences obtained in a dynamic and fun based environment.
The Honourable Ian Armstrong AO and President of the Regional Council and his wife Helen were in attendance at this regional meeting. It was a delight to meet with the people who are involved and working so hard to make the Scouting experience a rewarding venture.
This year marks the Centenary of Scouting in Australia. A special Centenary Scout Scarf has been commissioned and was presented to Council in recognition of the long association between Council and Camp Canobolas. Other key supporters were also presented with the Centenary Scout scarf.
There was also the opportunity to move a resolution of appreciation and a vote of thanks to all Adult Leaders and other Voluntary Workers within this Region. I couldn't help but speak about our third eldest son's experience as a Scout and the benefit and learning he has gained by being a part of the Scout movement. None of which would occur with out the commitment, support and time given by the Adult leaders.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Annual School Speck Concert

My youngest daughter and one of our Foster children attended the Annual School Speck Concert held at Canobolas Rural Technology High School. We enjoyed an evening filled with musical and vocal talent. This annual concert showcased and celebrated the Orange Regional Conservatorium/Schools partnership, and featured approximately 280 K-12 students.
Sitting next to MP Russel Turner and his wife Dianne we were delighted to witness and listen to the array of talent on show. These children had obviously worked hard in a complimentary environment supported by the Orange Music Conservatorium. Not only should the children be congratulated for the outstanding performance but it would be suffice to say a thank you to the parents, teachers and staff from the Music Conservatorium.
Graham Sattler who is the Director of the Music Conservatorium and a very community minded person was the MC for this evenings event. His light hearted nature and compliments to staff, helpers, parents and the children were resounding. Of course a congratulations should go to not only the children for their superb performance but also to Graham who just seems to make the culmination of any show look superb.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Good Sports Program

I was able to attend this event after the Refugee week celebrations. The Australian Drug Foundation (ADF) and the Greater Western Area Health Service (GWAHS) launched an extremely exciting partnership and program.
The 2003 NSW Alcohol Summit identified community sport as a major contributing factor to unlicensed alcohol sales, binge and underage drinking and drink-driving. Further evidence indicates that community sports clubs contribute to alcohol problems by accepting and promoting excessive drinking and providing inappropriate role models for young people.
Implementing the Good Sports program was a key recommendation of the 2003 NSW Alcohol Summit. Good Sports assists community sporting clubs to provide safer, healthier and more family friendly environments, particularly around responsible alcohol management. Following a successful pilot period the program is now available for widespread delivery.
The Good Sports NSW Central West Regional Forum aims to foster relationships within the region and to develop an integrated and "whole of region" strategy for Good Sports implementation. The key discussion topics were:

  • The Good Sports program in Central West NSW
  • Processes and protocols for Good Sports development
  • Establishment of an appropriate model for regional implementation

Orange Refugee Week 2008

It was my pleasure to offer a Civic welcome to all the people who attended the celebration of Refugee week here in Orange. The Theme was "a place to call home".
Whilst Refugee week celebrations have been held in the past this is the third consecutive year for Refugee celebrations at the Orange City Council complex. Here at Council we are very proud to be involved with this most important day, particularly as Refugee Day and Refugee Week are now combined at this time in June.
A refugee is someone who is outside their own country and who cannot return due to a well-founded fear of persecution. This may be because of their race, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.
Australia is privileged to take in over 13,000 refugees every year. The countries of origin for these refugees varies, and is determined by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). The numbers have dramatically increased in the past few years, unfortunately, mostly due to civil unrest.
Currently the UNHCR helps over 32.9 million refugees and other uprooted civilians in similar circumstances in countries around the world. This has included significant increases in refugees from Uganda. Democratic Republic of Congo and Iraq. The focus of refugees coming to Australia has altered somewhat in the past two years from a primary focus on Africa to one where middle eastern refugees are seeking and being accepted for refuge.
With a changing diversity in Orange we are thrilled to have residents from over fifty different language groups. This includes refugees who have chosen to make Orange their home, from at least five different countries. A recent change in population has been the secondary migration of refugee families and some of the newest Australian Citizens from Sydney of the Sudanese culture. We now also have over four language groups of Sudanese in Orange, and I was pleased to see so many of this community at the event.
I saw a lot of familiar faces from within our community and from the previous years event and I enjoyed the opportunity of meeting our local residents again. We were spoilt with food made by the multi cultural people who attended this event and what an array of different foods there was to choose from.
The Burralgang Aboriginal Dance group performed with the Glenroi Heights Public School and the Better Pathways Program to offer a Welcome Dance. The Australian Red Cross gave a presentation on the Refugee experience and there were the speakers who shared a story of their experience as refugee's now living in Orange.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Orange Chamber- Dinner meeting

As Orange City Council's representative I was able to attend Orange Chamber of Commerce dinner meeting held at Kelly's Hotel. The evening proceeded with the formalities of a committee meeting and then went on to several presentations.

The first presentation was being made by two of Orange staff members. They spoke about the Aboriginal Employment Strategy and the work to date that Orange City Council has carried out in conjunction with the Aboriginal community. Orange City Council's Aboriginal Employment Strategy is a time framed Action Plan that aims to:
Increase employment of Aboriginal people within Council and
Increase employment of Aboriginal people in the wider Orange Community

Already Council have made connections with key community groups. Reviewed Council's recruitment processes. Established a recruitment and job network inter agency to develop best practice guidelines. Working with Family Day Care to engage Aboriginal women as carers and promoting work experience within Council to local high schools.

It is Councils dream to work with Orange Chamber of Commerce to achieve;
Businesses looking at their recruitment practices
The employment of Aboriginal people in a range of positions
A greater cultural awareness within each business
Inclusive in our business community

This was a good presentation and very relevant to our business community. The other presentation involved an update of the progress of the Metro Plaza development and the remainder of refurbishments to be undertaken.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Community Forum- Proposed North Orange By-pass

Orange City Council proposes to construct a two-lane rural road to link the existing Northern Distributor road at Astill Drive with the Mitchell Highway at Chinamens Bend. This would extend the existing Northern Distributor Road to form a by-pass around Orange and would allow heavy and other vehicles to by-pass within Orange. In addition, the proposed by-pass would allow residents of Orange and others an alternate travel route than the existing Mitchell Highway route via Summer Street between the eastern and western sections of Orange. The road would be constructed in a corridor approximately 6.1km in length and between 30m to 45 m wide (the "Road Corridor").
Council intends to initially construct the formation of the road in a number of stages. This would be followed by construction of the intersections with the existing road network, namely at Ophir Road, Icely Road and the Mitchell Highway. Finally, Council would seal and then open the entire length of the proposed North Orange By-pass at the completion of the construction phase. Council anticipates that construction of the North Orange By-pass would be completed by late 2010.

Orange City Council staff held a Community Forum on the 4th of June to educate the public on the plans and seek feedback and questions from the public. This event was well attended.