Councillor Role

In 2008 Fiona ran for re-election on her own ticket- Team H. She was successful in being re-elected and only 100 votes short of her second candidate Gerald Power being elected also. If she had of been successful with the second candidate Orange Council would have had its first Aboriginal Councillor.

Items of particular interest to Fiona at this time would be the water issue in Orange. She has been active in working towards a way for future water sustainability. Evidence of the work done to date can be viewed on the Council web site- Water Project

Fiona also enjoys the role she plays in the numerous areas relating to the major portfolio in which she holds- Community Services. Given her background as a Registered Nurse, previous Councillor, Justice of the Peace, involvement in local community projects and various fundraising activities Fiona believes she is well suited to this role. In particular she is approachable, empathic, professional, understanding and seeks out the various needs of her community. Projects Fiona has been involved in through Council are:

* Water strategy for the future 2050
* Storm Water Harvesting scheme
* Planning and development of the New PCYC centre in Orange
* Spring Street Bridge
* Children's Memorial Garden
* Expansion of the Skate park
* Advocate for Icely and Ophir road users linking to Northern Distributor
* Youth Conference Orange
* Australian Rural Leadership Course- Vision Task needs assessment for families.
* Crime Prevention CCTV cameras
* Christmas Festival
* Chamber of Commerce representative for Council
* Disability services
* Mount Canobolas as a Tourist area
* Dragon Boats Orange

In 2004 Fiona was first elected as a Councillor with Orange City Council. After a busy time with election and campaigning against 77 other possible candidates. Fiona became the third female Councillor at Orange. Fiona is an extremely active Council member and some of the projects that she has driven or been involved in are:

  • Designing and building two BMX Tracks in Orange after establishing a partnership with organisations to provide funding in support (competitive and recreational)
  • Lobbying and building a recreational play area for children at Glenroi
  • Working with the community and other Councillors to have an Aboriginal Flag flown at the Council Chambers
  • Working with a committee and Youth to establish "Not just another Café" (NJAC)
  • Set up a Pilot Project with Police, Public School and Council to provide bikes and helmets so that bike riding could become part of the sport curriculum at no cost to students.
  • Lobbied for changes in phone directory, reduced speed on distributor road, better meeting times, shared space, and much more.
  • Been an active member in the Community Plan 2020 for Orange
  • Amongst many other things... Visit this site monthly to stay updated on what Fiona has been involved in with Council.

Fiona's objectives on council

Council Objectives (PDF File)

Orange Councillor and Candidate 2008 Election
Please find in this document the completed profile with full policy information and many other extras added in.

You Tube- Orange Electorate Fiona Rossiter Team H

Visit this new website Australian Family Matters

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sir Roden Cutler Charity Wheelchair Roll 2007

Down at the Civic Theatre we met with the people who are actively pursuing the Sir Roden Cutler Charity Wheelchair Roll for 2007.
In today's busy and congested streets with vehicles everywhere, it is easy to forget the many men and women without vehicles, physically restricted in their capacity to access public transport and financially unable to afford taxis or hire cars.
These folk, Australians like the rest of us, are the beneficiaries of Sir Roden Cutler Charities.
It's cars and volunteer drivers are their leg's and the support provided is often fundamental in providing their quality of life- with access to Doctors, Hospitals, shops and business houses in a way which most of us take for granted (The RT Hon Ian Sinclair).
My self and several other Councillors met with the organisers of this important organisation. We were briefed on the information I have identified above by the Hon Ian Sinclair and had the opportunity to test out the capacity of one of the vehicles which assists disabled people to disembark and then embark in a car. Carrying a weight limit of 150kg this device would give disabled people a greater sense of security and independence. The device can be seen above in the picture.
Our Riding For the Disabled champion Reg Golding received a donation from the Sir Roden Cutler Charities for his very worthy and much used organisation. Listening to Reg speak you can hear a real sense of enjoyment when working with the children and support to make sure they feel confident and respected. This is a man I admire for the work he does and his passion for helping disabled people. You're a Champion!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Australian Hearing's 60th Birthday

Hearing specialists for 60 years! now they must be doing something right. I visited the Australian Hearing Centre in Orange to share in the celebrations with staff, clients and our wonderful Senator Fiona Nash. Senator Nash welcomed the audience and spoke about the service and the effects on those who have a hearing problem and the effects on them as a disability when they are unable to receive devices. Limiting their daily life activities.

We heard from the Regional Manager how the hearing devices have changed in both size and ability to improve hearing quality over time. There was a display of products and again it showed the changes in size over time.

Of course what would a birthday celebration be without the cutting of a cake! and a cup of tea for everyone. Happy Birthday Australian Hearing Centre......

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Orange Star Search Gala Night

What a spectacular evening of entertainment and whats more it was all local country talent. Orange Star Search has now been running for 3 years and to date has raised money for several different organisations, well in the figure of $30,000. This event is organised by community people who are passionate about supporting local vocalists.
This year there were two groups the Junior and Seniors and they sang off to be in the running for a holiday prize supported by major sponsors Jetset and P&O Cruises. There was also a winner in the "Peoples Choice" section. Our contestants have provided the community with a smorgasbord of entertainment and pizazz. Thank you! I think each year just gets better and better.

Also to the Judges and Orange Star Search Committee you should be congratulated for your time, commitment and sheer devotion for supporting such a wonderful fundraiser and giving the contestants the opportunity to perform.

Stay tuned for next year and visit the Orange Star Search web

Friday, July 20, 2007

Annual Local Government, Planning and Environmental Law Conference

Know your stuff! that is what people in the public say to me especially in my role as a Councillor. Well on Friday with the company of a Council staff member I had the opportunity to increase my knowledge on recent developments and cases of interest in planning, Local Government and Environmental Law.
There was the chance to hear first hand from Council members and staff about issues they have had in particular items about the LEP template, the review of the Heritage act, concessional allotments, increased cost shifting to local governments, open spaces and sports facilities and of course amalgamations. This was an extremely informative day which also allowed the audience the opportunity to ask questions and seek out further information.
The afternoon consisted of topics such as Sustainable Environmental Planning with current issues and future directions. Work Choices entered into the discussion as did Growth Centre Commission and how it works, Pecuniary Interest and Conduct Issues are items I was particularly interested in hearing about. Then the MP Paul Lynch Minister for Local Government finished of the days discussion with a light presentation which mainly consisted of question time.
I find these type of information days a valuable resource in my role as a Councillor. The topics are pertinent and there are ample opportunities to tap into the skilled speakers that are on hand. Thanks Marsdens Law Group.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Inner Wheel handover and presentation for Cancer Care Western NSW

I represented Cancer Care Western NSW board at a recent Inner Wheel Handover dinner. The room was awash with colour, laughter and gaity, it certainly was a good example of their international theme for the year "show that you care through friendship and service". Everyone I met was very welcoming and the friendships that a club of many years has had shone through.

The president spoke of the years events, the speakers who have attended, community services they have been involved in and social occasions they shared. On behalf of Cancer Care Western NSW I was presented with a cheque and again I refer to their theme about showing you care. We are grateful and appreciative of the support this group of fine people has given to the fundraising for the accomodation component of the Radio-therapy unit.

What a delightful evening!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association

Dr Porges and I travelled to Bathurst to address the Combined Pensioners and Superannuates' Association. We had the opportunity to speak with the audience about the statistical findings for the future of patients suffering cancer. In particular the impacts on the individuals and their families who needed to travel to Sydney, Canberra or Wagga Wagga for Radio-Therapy treatment. Dr Porges explained that in some cases patients were electing to have radical surgery because they cant manage or cope financially with the length of time needed to be away from home for radio-therapy treatment (anything up to 7 weeks at a time).
The statistics give a true understanding of the position that rural people are placed in because of a lack of services in rural areas. There has been a letter of support from the Federal and State Health Ministers but it is a letter of commitment that is really needed. Cancer Care Western NSW Board members are available to do presentations to Government organisations, businesses and service groups in fact any one who feels they need to gain information and possibly be looking at helping with fundraising.
Which leads me to the tremendous support we received from the Combined Pensioners and Superannuates Association. On completion of our presentation we were given a cheque to further help with our fundraising efforts for accommodation. There isn't a figure to date on the amount needed to be raised for the accommodation as we are waiting on more detail from the government before we set a target figure. We feel privileged to have the support of this wonderful group of people.
If you have a particular interest to learn more about the problem that rural people face at this time then please send me an email with your details and we will see what we can organise in the way of a presentation or information. We welcome community groups fundraising for this cause.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Welcome the School of Rural Health and Medical Staff and Students

We as Councillors had the opportunity to meet with the staff and students from the Rural Health school.
So this invitation I accepted. Councillors speak often about the importance of making new professionals welcome especially in the health industry. We have the major referral centre in Orange for Central West NSW so naturally we would like to make potential future health professionals welcome. If was nice speaking with the students and hearing of their likes for our city, we can learn a great deal from these opportunities to network.
Our Mayor John Davis emphasised the welcome to Orange for the students and encouraged them to contact Council if they need help with information. The Mayor spoke with pride about all the services we have available in our wonderful city and delighted the audience with a final joke.
Welcome to the students and I look forward to working with you in my nursing capacity.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Phillipine Consul General visit and Flag Raising

What a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I met with the Consul General prior to the Philippine flag being raised and then joined in with the National Anthem in both English and Philippine. We moved over to Orange City Library where I formalised the welcome from Council and our Community. There was a large number of people in attendance who showed great support. The Consul General handed to Orange City Library a package of reading material for the public to utilise. So for those keen readers I understand the books are available.
For the social component and it certainly was a social afternoon there were several displays. The Mayor of Orange John Davis spoke about Councils support and the Consul General expressed her enjoyment of visiting Orange again and the partnership retained. We then went on to see a variety of dancing and costumes along with a Martial Arts Display where we were shown routines and board breaking (yes wooden boards). Two young ladies sang to us with a song they had produced themselves. As if that wasn't enough we were then treated to some wonderful food and delicacies. I could have almost stayed there for the night it was such an enjoyable event.
The people who organised the event should be given due credit it was such a treat to be a part of another culture and meet with such lovely people.