Councillor Role

In 2008 Fiona ran for re-election on her own ticket- Team H. She was successful in being re-elected and only 100 votes short of her second candidate Gerald Power being elected also. If she had of been successful with the second candidate Orange Council would have had its first Aboriginal Councillor.

Items of particular interest to Fiona at this time would be the water issue in Orange. She has been active in working towards a way for future water sustainability. Evidence of the work done to date can be viewed on the Council web site- Water Project

Fiona also enjoys the role she plays in the numerous areas relating to the major portfolio in which she holds- Community Services. Given her background as a Registered Nurse, previous Councillor, Justice of the Peace, involvement in local community projects and various fundraising activities Fiona believes she is well suited to this role. In particular she is approachable, empathic, professional, understanding and seeks out the various needs of her community. Projects Fiona has been involved in through Council are:

* Water strategy for the future 2050
* Storm Water Harvesting scheme
* Planning and development of the New PCYC centre in Orange
* Spring Street Bridge
* Children's Memorial Garden
* Expansion of the Skate park
* Advocate for Icely and Ophir road users linking to Northern Distributor
* Youth Conference Orange
* Australian Rural Leadership Course- Vision Task needs assessment for families.
* Crime Prevention CCTV cameras
* Christmas Festival
* Chamber of Commerce representative for Council
* Disability services
* Mount Canobolas as a Tourist area
* Dragon Boats Orange

In 2004 Fiona was first elected as a Councillor with Orange City Council. After a busy time with election and campaigning against 77 other possible candidates. Fiona became the third female Councillor at Orange. Fiona is an extremely active Council member and some of the projects that she has driven or been involved in are:

  • Designing and building two BMX Tracks in Orange after establishing a partnership with organisations to provide funding in support (competitive and recreational)
  • Lobbying and building a recreational play area for children at Glenroi
  • Working with the community and other Councillors to have an Aboriginal Flag flown at the Council Chambers
  • Working with a committee and Youth to establish "Not just another Café" (NJAC)
  • Set up a Pilot Project with Police, Public School and Council to provide bikes and helmets so that bike riding could become part of the sport curriculum at no cost to students.
  • Lobbied for changes in phone directory, reduced speed on distributor road, better meeting times, shared space, and much more.
  • Been an active member in the Community Plan 2020 for Orange
  • Amongst many other things... Visit this site monthly to stay updated on what Fiona has been involved in with Council.

Fiona's objectives on council

Council Objectives (PDF File)

Orange Councillor and Candidate 2008 Election
Please find in this document the completed profile with full policy information and many other extras added in.

You Tube- Orange Electorate Fiona Rossiter Team H

Visit this new website Australian Family Matters

Friday, December 15, 2006

December 2006: Orange Christmas Street Party 15th Dec

If you can just imagine the main street closed off and the street lined with stalls, entertainment, street theatre, face painting, artwork, food outlets, Christmas decorations and activities for children everywhere. Well this was exactly what happened in Orange on the 15th December when Orange City Council along with several sponsors got together and planned the Orange Christmas Street Party. This was a special year because we celebrated the 10th year of this successful event.
The street was full of people from Orange and surrounding towns who joined together for an evening of laughter, excitement and fun. Of course the major attraction was a visit by Santa who gave children much joy with a sing a long of Christmas songs. There was something for everyone even a Volvo car was painted by local artists. The Orange Christmas Street Party has always been a huge success and of course something that children and families look forward to.
This is a committee that I played an active part in and along with Council staff who worked incredibly hard behind the scenes and on the evening we brought together an evening full of fun, laughter and a great Christmas atmosphere for our community.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Aids Memorial Service 3rd Dec

Remember I mentioned last month that I had been to an Orange African Cultural Group meeting and I said that we learnt to sing a song called "Down to the river to pray" well this is the song that we sang at the World Aid's Day held in the Southern Court in Orange. My children joined me in the service and learnt more about Aid's and unfortunately the impact of the disease.

The afternoon focussed on a memorial service dedicated to the memory of all who have died of HIV/AIDS related causes. People were remembered with love and joy and we gave thanks for the gift of their lives and their love. A vow was made to keep the promise to STOP AIDS, to continue to raise awareness and encourage responsible attitudes.
There were several speakers, singing and music throughout the service. The service was designed to give people a place to come together to reflect on the disease which has claimed the lives of millions of men, women and children across the world. Flowers were laid by individuals around the bottom of a water feature and the Aids Memorial Quilts were laid out on display.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Home Start Volunteers Graduation 1st Dec

Home-Start offers support, friendship and encouragement to families with young children under the age of five years. Families are referred to Home-Start for a number of reasons and the volunteers are parents with a wide range of skills and experience. The volunteers undertake a course prior to being linked to families. It is about parents supporting parents.
I was invited to officiate at the Graduation ceremony and had much pleasure in presenting the awards to the new volunteers who had completed their course. There were 7 new graduates who will be supporting families in communities. This is a wonderful initiative and I can see it decreasing the feeling of isolation for parents with young children. Having used this service myself I can assure people that it certainly gives you something to look forward to when getting out becomes difficult. Having someone call in and say hello makes a big difference.
For more details on this service Phone 63691455 or email

Mobility Challenge 1st Dec

This year Orange City Council celebrated “International Day of People with Disability” at the Civic Theatre. The main guest speaker spoke about his life and how he became disabled after a tackle in a sporting game. This was a very personal story and the speaker spoke about the trials and tribulations of having to adjust to a new life in a wheel chair. He even went as far as to tell us how he accidentally met his wife and now has beautiful children. Along with that he has been a successful contestant in the Para Olympics and now enjoys his new hobby sailing. This was a truly amazing story and made you realise how fortunate we are as individuals.
The remainder of the day was made up of a range of challenges including hearing and vision impairments, limb loss and being in a wheelchair. This is the second year I have been to this event and I can say in all honesty that being in a wheelchair for me proved extremely difficult to navigate and my wheelchair was motorised. There are plenty more changes that can be accommodated by businesses and Council to help disabled people carry out daily activities such as shopping.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

November 2006: Wagga Wagga Radio-Therapy Unit

A plane trip to Wagga Wagga organised by Member of Parliament Russel Turner (Nationals) allowed some of the members from the newly alligned Radio-Therapy Group Orange, the opportunity to visit the community built Radio Therapy Unit in Wagga Wagga.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Climate Institute Lunch 28th Nov

Orange City Council provided a lunch hosted by The Climate Institute. The Climate Institute has been carrying out publicity campaigns in regional areas to persuade Australians of the dangers of climate change and the need for urgent action. The Climate Institute aims to raise public awareness and debate about the dangers to Australia of global warming and motivate communities to take positive action.
There was a gentleman who spoke about how he has changed his farming practices to adapt to the impacts of human-induced climate change; policy, institutional and fiscal challenges to being a part of the solution.
A representative from The Climate Institute spoke about how the agricultural community can be a profitable part of Australia's solution in climate change. To finish a Dr gave an overview of the climate science for the region and a sneak peak at the latest unpublished CSIRO climate impacts modelling for Australia. I recommend a visit to their web-site to learn more.
There was one clear message that was coming out from yesterday and today's climate change forums. Along with the same message Al Gore gave out in his documentary called "An Inconvenient Truth" and that is that every one of us can make significant changes to help rectify the problems that have been increasing.
In the Frequently asked Questions section on my web-site you will see reference made to "ten things to do" and an additional web-site; these were collected of a brochure after watching Al Gore's documentary. "Let's get active and make these changes it's our children's future!";

Monday, November 27, 2006

Climate Change Local Government 27th Nov

This Climate Change Summit presented a unique opportunity for Councillors, Council Staff and environmental managers a chance to determine how they can adapt to and mitigate against the impacts of climate change in their Local Government Area. There was plenty to think about and many resources available.
I was unaware of the Forest Carbon Sinks so found the conference beneficial in learning about this initiative. Also continual emphasis was made on reinforcing that we, as Councillors, can be active and influential in the change needed to prevent future world catastrophes as identified by this conference. Copies of the presentations which were discussed are available on the Australian Local Government Website.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Taking Flight Exhibition at Orange Art Gallery 24th Nov

Taking Flight was a major art exhibition of school art for Year 6, Year 11 and HSC students held at the Orange Regional Gallery. The opening was made by a Graphic Designer and winner of the Year 11 FORG Award 1997. The art work on display was truly amazing and left no doubt in my mind that we have some budding artists in Country NSW.
There was a mixture of medium used by the students and the imagination that these young people have was well worth the visit to the art gallery. Congratulations to those students who received prizes and awards and of course to all the students who had artwork on display, thankyou for providing a truly interesting art display.

Orange African Cultural Group 24th Nov

I was invited to attend this meeting by Orange City Council's Multi-Cultural Migrant Officer Anni and met lovely people who were very friendly. Conversation was easy even though there were language differences. The meeting proceeded well and it was interesting listening to the topics of conversation.
Then the surprise came we were to sing and sing we did. We sang the song “Down to the river to pray”. Cecelia was our teacher along with her husband who played the drums to help us with the rhythm and beat. Now you have to understand I am not a great singer but with a group of people it sounded pretty good. There was an event where we were to sing this song it is the World Aid’s Day and you will learn more about this next month.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Ronald McDonald McHappy Day 18th Nov

This was a wonderful day and the second year that I have been involved. It was a great way to help raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House Charity. I met some lovely young people who were only too willing to help point me in the right direction when serving.
At the Orange store it was quite busy and there was plenty of opportunity to talk with customers. Of course a huge thankyou to those people who supported the day by making purchases of food and arm bands and the wonderful staff who accommodated our presence in the store.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Volunteers Morning Tea

The event was held to celebrate International Volunteers Day and recognise those volunteers who help support our community by giving their time so generously. In the Southern Court near the Library Orange City Council thanked volunteers. Volunteers had the opportunity to meet other like minded people whilst being catered for with morning tea.
I found it a wonderful opportunity to meet these people and give thanks personally for their strong committment and support. I didnt realise just how many people do volunteer work in our community. A huge thankyou to each and every one of them.

Monday, November 6, 2006

Central West Community College 6th November

My son Tristan and I had much pleasure in attending the official opening of the Central West Community College Orange. The MP Gary Hardgrave the Minister for Vocational and Technical Education opened the purpose built office complex and state of the art training facility at William Street. We enjoyed a guided tour through this facility with a detailed explanation on the capacity of each learning area. Congratulations on a well designed facility.

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Regional Achievement & Community Awards 4th November

A celebration of the outstanding achievements of individuals and community groups in regional and rural NSW and the ACT, these awards showcased business enterprises, events and tourism, regional service, environment and land care, and the community of the year. It is with much regret that I could not attend this function and receive the certificate of achievement for the annual Christmas Street Party held in Summer Street Orange. The staff at Orange City Council put a tremendous amount of work into this event and this year will see the 10th anniversary for the Christmas Street Party.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

October 2006 - LGA Conference 28th October to 1st November

This was a three day conference held in the Blue Mountains. The annual conference is the supreme policy making body for Local Government in New South Wales. The theme was "Community: a sense of place".
There was a mixture of activities and the first starting with a hypothetical question which was "Local Government: is it the Biggest Loser?" The aim of the discussion was to talk about the key threats to effective and popular local government; to identify the priorities for action and to prevent the demise of local government autonomy; and lastly to enjoy a lively, provocative and entertaining discussion with questions and comments coming from the audience. One of the main focuses within the discussion was Professor Percy Allen's report.
The remainder of the conference involved many addresses from prominent government officials, elections of positions on the Local Government Association of NSW and consideration of Motions.
In all there were 187 initial motions and 37 late motions. Of these Orange City Council had one which was no 21. The motion that was resolved unanimously reads
"That the local Government Association lobby the NSW Minister for Health, the Hon John Hatzistergos MLC with regard to the Isolated Patients Travel and Accomodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS). NSW IPTAAS assists with access to specialised medical treatment and oral surgical health care for people living in isolated and remote communities in NSW, through the provision of some financial assistance towards actual travel and accomodation costs.
That IPTAAS be ammended to:
1. Reduce the eligibility criteria for travel from 100kms to 80kms.
2. Allow patients a choice of specialist.
3. Increase the kilometre rate from the existing 15 cents per kilometre.
4. Remove the patient contribution of $40 per application.
5. Simplify the IPTAAS form for everyone to use.
*It should be noted that during the debate for this motion point number 5 was added.
At this conference there were plenty of opportunities to view and discuss the Trade Exhibition holders their organisations and benefits to local Government. This conference was beneficial in that it gave people the opportunity to meet and debate issues concerning the welfare of the communities we represent, and to set policy directions to ensure community interests are met now and into the future. There was also the opportunity to meet with other Councillors and discuss projects that have been both successful and unsuccessful for them. Lastly there has been the successful adoption of Orange City Council's motion by the association which is then being forwarded to the Health Minister for his response.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Orange Refugee Week 26th October

"A refugee is someone who is outside their own country and cannot return due to a well-founded fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion"

UN Refugee Convention

This lunchtime event was organised to tell a little of the story of refugees, their journey and their culture. Two Sudanese guest speakers shared their story about life in Sudan, their trials and tribulations and sheer guts and determination to move on. Both speakers were exceptionally inspiring and I learnt that day that the giving of food and produce is the highest gift you can give in their culture.
My son Tristan joined me and he had a wonderful time playing with the children and dancing on the stage. We watched the Glenroi Aboriginal Dance Group, a wonderful young lady who sang the Bowen Public School Choir, Orange High School Drama group and an African singing group. It was an event that was exceptionally well organised and one of those events when you feel really proud to be a Councillor.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pink Ribbon Day Breakfast (Orange City Council) 25th October

Another breakfast shared with my good friend Gail. It was an early morning start that turned into a very relaxing event. On arrival at the venue a champagne breakfast was shared with staff and friends of Orange City Council. Very relaxing music was played by Paul mixed in with chatter and laughter, it felt like it was a weekend and that the morning shouldn’t end. This was a great example of a community organisation becoming involved and supporting a very worthy cause. Well done to the staff of Orange City Council for providing a fun filled and relaxing event while raising funds for a great cause.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Pink Ribbon Day Breakfast (The Cancer Council NSW) 23rd October

My good friend Donna and I enjoyed breakfast with many other people at the recent Pink Ribbon Day Breakfast organised by Orange Cancer Council ladies. There was lots of discussion with people during our breakfast some great prizes were won and then to top the morning off we heard from Guest Speaker Penny Cook. I can still remember Penny Cook when she played the vet “Vicky” in A Country Practice. Her speech was light hearted and humorous as she shared her journey through life and how she got to where she is today.This event was a fundraiser with profits going to the Cancer Council NSW to help fund breast cancer support; advocacy and research projects. Another worthy cause that not only helps raise funds but also educates and reminds us of the importance of breast examination as a preventative measure.

Radio-Therapy Unit First Official meeting 23rd October

This was an extremely important day for country people. A selection of prominent people from Orange and surrounding areas came together to discuss the need for a Radio-Therapy unit located in Orange. Given that Orange Base is the major referal centre for the Central West with leading specialists on hand it is believed that it would make sense to have a Radio-therapy unit located here. A comprehensive document called the Statement of Capacity Radiation Oncology- Orange substantiates this claim with statistical evidence. In the Orange catchment in 2006 there were 682 people who required radiation oncology. At this time the nearest facilities are in Sydney or Wagga Wagga quite a distance to travel. Additionally with the requirement of 5 weeks treatment there is the added burden of being away from home, family, employement and children.The Alliance group has since been named Cancer Care Western NSW and are looking forward to seeing the confirmation of a Radio-Therapy Unit confirmed for Orange to coincide with the new Base Hospital being built. I plan on keeping you updated on this topic, so call back every so often.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Diamonds in the Sky (Ronald McDonald Fundraiser) 21st October

"Farewell the day, welcome the evening, encounter the night" This was the theme for the recent function that my husband Paul and I attended as a fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald House in Orange. If you can just imagine in one hand champagne in the other a gourmet delicacy, watching not only the sun set bust also Jupiter and Mercury travel over one of Orange's wineries. The evening was quite surreal with our local astronomer Mr Rod Somerville taking the stage or more so the sky and taking us on a magical tour through the constellations of the heavens above. It was a wonderful experience which we shared with many people and is a credit to the organisers for a rare and unique evening event.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Australian National Field Days Orange 18th - 20th October

I joined the Mayor John Davis and Deputy Mayor Chris Gryllis to extend a welcome to the Indian guest Nation Exhibitors at the 55th Australian National Field Days. The room was quite a buzz with conversation about the first day of the Field Days. The following day saw my son Tristan and I take a trip out to the Field Days. I almost hate to admit this but it is the first time I have gone to the Field days in my 14 years of living in Orange. It was quite an adventure we had with my little mans eyes full of fun every where he looked. The Indian dancers with their colourful costume entranced the both of us.We weren’t quite sure where to start so we just wandered here and there and if anything in particular took our eye then we went to further investigate. You could have easily spent the three days out there just looking around not to mention the spending part of it. Our last port of call was to visit the ladies at the Visitors Centre stand and then we headed off home from our adventure with our shopping, tired legs and an eagerness to make sure we get to the Field Days next year.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Work for the Dole Achievement Awards 17th Nov

At the Orange Regional Art Gallery there were presentations made by Senator Fiona Nash for the Dole Achievement Awards 2005. Highly Commended and Best Natural and /or Cultural Heritage.
The awards acknowledge the success, commitment and contribution made by the people involved in the program. This was an Orange City Council initiative to establish eco tourism within the region by refurbishing two established reserves within the area which are Lucknow Heritage walk and the Canobolas Earth Sanctuary.
These project's are a credit to the people who work on them and it is pleasing to know that there would be the team work and opportunity of these workers to meet new people and increase their skill level. An outstanding effort also by those who co-ordinate the teams.

Work for the Dole Achievement Awards 17th Nov

At the Orange Regional Art Gallery there were presentations made by Senator Fiona Nash for the Dole Achievement Awards 2005. Highly Commended and Best Natural and /or Cultural Heritage.
The awards acknowledge the success, commitment and contribution made by the people involved in the program. This was an Orange City Council initiative to establish eco tourism within the region by refurbishing two established reserves within the area which are Lucknow Heritage walk and the Canobolas Earth Sanctuary.
These project's are a credit to the people who work on them and it is pleasing to know that there would be the team work and opportunity of these workers to meet new people and increase their skill level. An outstanding effort also by those who co-ordinate the teams.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Celebrating the visit by an Official Delegation from Ushiku 16th October

This was a continuation of the friendships and discussions from the previous evening with the Japanese people showing us some of their customs. My husband Paul, friend Gerald, myself and others learnt a traditional dance about a little creature who stole cucumbers and the story links into an emblem that they have. We saw several ladies in their kimonos and looked at the art they made. The evening was well hosted with interpreters close by but by and far most of the communication came naturally with body language and the use of hands and pictures. My husband and I felt very proud to have had the opportunity to purchase tickets and became a part of this unique experience.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Welcome Official Delegation from Sister City Ushiku 15 October

The afternoon started with the official welcome at the Civic Theatre of the Sister City Delegation. Cr Chris Gryllis spoke too and welcomed everyone then the presentation of certificates and gifts were given out this followed with light refreshments introductory chatter before departing to freshen up before the evening BBQ. My husband Paul and two of our children Kayla and Brad joined us at the Botanical Gardens where we witnessed the unified planting of a Woolamai tree by the Mayor of Orange and Ushiku. This was a unique occasion given that the Woolamai tree is rare itself. Proceedings then moved back up to the venue where stories were exchanged and friendships were made. Bradley my son made each person a “Peace Crane” and then proceeded to tell of his dream to make 1,000 cranes and wish for World Peace (this story to be continued later). This was a very special and relaxing evening.

BMX Activity Day 15th October

On your bike get set...go! The Chairperson of the newly established BMX club Orange, Victoria Dunkley along with other supporters put on a wonderful day of bike riding fun and education. My children Kayla, Bradley, Kirstin and Tristan loved the activities put on throughout the day. They even had the opportunity to race and watch the experts in the field show them how it is done. If you would like to become a member of the BMX club Orange or learn more about the club please contact me and I will pass on the details. The competitive track is located at Anzac park. Orange is extremely fortunate to have two BMX tracks a recreational and a competitive. It will only be a matter of time before Orange will be having competitions and you never know given that BMX riding has now become an Olympic sport we may well have the next Gold Olympic BMX medallist here in Orange. To be continued……watch this space!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Children's Week Celebrations 8-15th October

Children’s week is a nationwide, annual event that provides an opportunity to celebrate the talents, skills and achievements of children. This event aimed to raise community awareness of children’s right to enjoy childhood. This was very much the case at this event with so much to see and do, I wouldn’t mind betting that most of the children there were weary and exhausted by all the activities put on for them to see and do.
Orange City Council Children’s services co-ordinator along with other staff organised this event that was like one big party. I had the opportunity to represent the Mayor and thank the family support services that make it possible for families to be supported with wonderful child care facilities like we have here in Orange. My son Tristan and Husband Paul joined me in thanking these services because as you can imagine with 6 children ourselves we have used these services many a time over the past 17 years. It was a wonderful celebration to enjoy childhood.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Community Chest Fundraiser Launch 13th October

Paul and I had great pleasure attending the launch for the Orange Community Chest down at the Orange Art Gallery. The evening was busy with food and drinks which were enjoyed while looking over the items on display for a silent auction. A welcome was made by Cr Hackett and he thanked the people for coming to this occasion as well as financially supporting the event. The evening was a wonderful success and the monies raised will be used to help families access health services and treatment when travelling away from home.

Monday, October 9, 2006

Isobel Eileen Watts MBE Commemoration 9th October

This was a proud and well deserved commemoration of a lady who was involved in extensive activities within the cultural services in the City of Orange. This lady was the Founder of the Orange Festival of Arts. The evening aloud those present the opportunity to view in hard copy form the many and varied roles and work this lady undertook. After the unveiling of the commemorative plaque we were entertained by a song written and performed by Mrs Watt’s sons. An inspiration to our community.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Rowland Gregory Orpheus Singers 80th Anniversary Celebrations 30th September

Congratulations to the Rowland Gregory Orpheus Singers on their 80th anniversary. I had great pleasure in accompanying MP Russell Turner at this event with my husband Paul. The Choir was conducted almost 50 years ago by a Welsh emigrant. What started as an interest for the original singing group has now grown into a 75 member Male Choir who is well known and admired in music circles and in great demand for their talent. The City of Orange is fortunate to have such respected ambassadors and a choir of local, national and international standard in our City. The evening was filled with a variety of music and outstanding singers with the Sydney Male Choir also joining this evening’s event. There is obviously strong friendships within this group of singers and their families because the atmosphere after the event with everyone joining together to sing was very special.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Orange City Bowling Club-Bowls Day 23rd September (Fundraiser Ronald McDonald House)

If you wanted a day of Bowling filled with lots of fun and laughter, then you have just missed it. The Orange City Bowling Club Ladies organised two events that came together to raise $1,820 for the soon to be built Ronald McDonald House in Orange. My daughter Kayla and I went down to visit the keen bowlers and soon found ourselves involved in the after game event of the raffle draw. It was great to get the opportunity to speak about the Ronald McDonald House for Orange and update people on its progress. This progress of course wouldn’t occur if it wasn’t for people like the Ladies Bowling Club group. They put a tremendous amount of effort and work into this days events and that was evidenced by the wonderful outcome and donation received. Thankyou

Monday, September 18, 2006

Orange NAIDOC Week 18th-22nd September

Respect the Past, Believe in the Future”This was the theme for NAIDOC week. The week started with the march down Summer Street and continued around Robertson Park and over to the front of the Civic Theatre. There was an incredible amount of children present with big smiles and waving their streamers or flags. It was a very proud moment for all of those involved. Orange now proudly displays the Aboriginal Flag and acknowledges that we are on Wiradjari Country. There were many activities throughout the week and the culmination of the week was the NAIDOC Awards Night. Councillor Ryan and myself were invited to choose the winner for each category and also to present some of the awards at this evening. It was quite an honour to be a part of the selection and also the presenting but more importantly we felt proud to be at this event and representative of Orange City Council.

Orange NAIDOC Week 18th-22nd September

Respect the Past, Believe in the Future”This was the theme for NAIDOC week. The week started with the march down Summer Street and continued around Robertson Park and over to the front of the Civic Theatre. There was an incredible amount of children present with big smiles and waving their streamers or flags. It was a very proud moment for all of those involved. Orange now proudly displays the Aboriginal Flag and acknowledges that we are on Wiradjari Country. There were many activities throughout the week and the culmination of the week was the NAIDOC Awards Night. Councillor Ryan and myself were invited to choose the winner for each category and also to present some of the awards at this evening. It was quite an honour to be a part of the selection and also the presenting but more importantly we felt proud to be at this event and representative of Orange City Council.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Going Public

A Conference For Women In The Public Sector and Politics It is with much delight that I can tell you about a conference I will be attending in October. I have been asked to be one of the speakers on the 5th October and I will be speaking about my role as a Councillor for Orange and the balancing act that I have with my husband and children so I can be involved in family life, my nursing job at Orange Base Hospital and the fundraising committee’s that I am involved with also. Please visit the site for more details or better still come along to the event, hope to see you there.

Friday, June 2, 2006

Civic Forum - Philippine Consulate General and the raising of the National Flag

In June 2006 we had the pleasure of meeting with the Consul General Maria Theresa Lazaro and Vice Consul Ferdinand Philip Victoria. Our Orange Community was very pleased that they had the enthusiasm to visit Orange and meet members of our community here. My daughter joined me in watching the raising of the Australian Flag whilst singing the Australian National Anthem which was then followed by the raising of the Philippine Flag and singing the Philippine National Anthem.
t was a great opportunity for us all to strengthen relationships between Philippine Consult General and our community. We had quite a large Philippine community representation and there was the opportunity for residents to discuss dual citizenship, absentee voting, Political and Economic developments and general issues. My daughter and I enjoyed meeting new people and hearing about how much they enjoy their new life in Orange.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Free Speech Central West- Discussion on a Bill of Rights

Australia is the only western democracy without a Bill of Rights or constitutional recognition of the right to free speech was the message given at a recent Free Speech meeting for the Central West that I attended. There was discussion about recent changes to security laws, workplace relations legislation and immigration laws that impact on asylum seekers and many believe that our civil liberties and human rights are at grave risk. Others trust in our democratic processes and say there is no cause for concern. Many more have perhaps not made up their mind or are not engaged